Engelbertus Lagerwey

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Engelbert Lagerwey (1956)

Engelbertus Lagerwey (born September 26, 1880 in Amsterdam , † March 13, 1959 in Utrecht ) was the Old Catholic Bishop of Deventer .


Lagerwey was the son of the entrepreneur Henricus Gregorius Lagerwey and Alida Hendrika van Pel. He received a classical education as a seminarist at the municipal high school in Amersfoort and then studied Old Catholic theology at the local seminary.

Church offices

He was ordained a priest on October 23, 1904 and served the Church as pastor successively in Zaandam (1904–1910), in Dordrecht (1910–1924) and in Utrecht (1924–1945), where he was pastor at the New St. Gertrudis -Cathedral Church (1914) and was archpriest of the city and district of Utrecht. In 1924 he became a member of the Metropolitan Chapter of Utrecht.

On October 2, 1941, he was appointed Bishop of Deventer as the successor to Johann Hermann Berends , and on November 12, 1941, the Archbishop of Utrecht, Andreas Rinkel , donated him episcopal ordination . He chose Eternitati Laboramus as his motto (We work for eternity). The fact that Lagerwey played an active role in the resistance against the German occupation may have been one of the reasons why Rinkel appointed him Bishop of Deventer.

At the age of 70 (1950) he resigned as a capitular and was made an honorary capitular. He held the office of bishop until his death.


  • Mgr. Lagerwey's levensloop. An overvoltage of activity . In: De Oud-Katholiek . No. 75 , March 15, 1959, pp. 55-56 .
  • Andreas Rinkel : Lagerwey, Engelbertus (1880–1959) . In: Biographical Woordenboek van Nederland . tape 1 . The Hague 1979 ( huygens.knaw.nl [accessed February 27, 2011] June 2, 2008 version).
predecessor Office successor
Johannes Hermannus Berends Bishop of Deventer
Petrus Josephus Jans