Enterpia laudeti

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Enterpia laudeti
Enterpia laudeti

Enterpia laudeti

Order : Butterflies (Lepidoptera)
Family : Owl butterfly (Noctuidae)
Subfamily : Hadeninae
Tribe : Hadenini
Genre : Enterpia
Type : Enterpia laudeti
Scientific name
Enterpia laudeti
( Boisduval , 1840)

Enterpia laudeti is a butterfly ( moth ) fromthe owl butterfly family (Noctuidae).


The wingspan of the moth is 26 to 44 millimeters. The basic color of all wings is pure white to creamy white. On the forewings, a brownish post-disk region with wavy borders on both sides stands out . A region near the wing root is of the same color, but does not reach the inner edge. These dark regions are sometimes lightly dusted with pink. The ring blemish has a very thin, black border, the kidney blemish is black-brown and merges into the post-disk region. The hind wings are slightly darkened in the edge area.

Caterpillar, pupa

Adult caterpillars are yellow-white in color. They are marked with a row of black dot warts on each segment.

The doll is red-brown, has a long cremaster that ends in two short points. It winters in a cocoon spun with grains of sand .

Similar species

The very similar Enterpia roseocandida Hacker , 1996 differs through the mostly slightly stronger pink over-dusting of the upper side of the forewing .

distribution and habitat

Enterpia laudeti occurs in Europe in four isolated areas: in the border triangle France , Italy and Switzerland ( Valais ), in central Spain , on the Balkan Peninsula and in the northern mountains of Turkey . In the Alps, it rises to around 1500 meters. The further distribution to the east includes Russia , Turkmenistan , Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan . In the Near and Middle East the subspecies Enterpia laudeti orientis and Enterpia laudeti roseomarginata can be found. The species is found in steppe areas and dry, stony rock regions.

Way of life

Enterpia laudeti moths fly in one generation from April to June. A second generation rarely appears in September. They are mostly diurnal, but also visit artificial light sources at night . The caterpillars live on the flowers and seeds of gypsophila - ( Gypsophila ) or Campion TYPES ( Silene ). The pupa hibernates.


Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Hermann Hacker, László Ronkay & Márton Hreblay: Noctuidae Europaeae Volume 4, Hadeninae I, Entomological Press, Søro 2002, ISBN 87-89430-07-7
  2. caterpillar and pupa http://pathpiva.wifeo.com/enterpia-laudeti-l5.php
  3. Occurrence in Switzerland http://euroleps.ch/seiten/s_art.php?art=noct_laudeti
  4. Occurrence in France http://www.lepinet.fr/especes/nation/lep/?e=l&id=41320
  5. Walter Forster , Theodor A. Wohlfahrt : The butterflies of Central Europe. Volume 4: Owls. (Noctuidae). Franckh'sche Verlagshandlung, Stuttgart 1971, ISBN 3-440-03752-5 .


  • Hermann Hacker, László Ronkay & Márton Hreblay: Noctuidae Europaeae Volume 4, Hadeninae I, Entomological Press, Søro 2002, ISBN 87-89430-07-7

Web links

Commons : Enterpia laudeti  - collection of images, videos and audio files