Epaulette sharks

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Epaulette sharks
Epaulette Shark (Hemiscyllium ocellatum)

Epaulette Shark ( Hemiscyllium ocellatum )

Sharks (selachii)
Superordinate : Galeomorphii
Order : Nurse Shark (Orectolobiformes)
Subordination : Orectoloboidei
Family : Bamboo Sharks (Hemiscylliidae)
Genre : Epaulette sharks
Scientific name
Müller & Henle , 1837

The Epaulettenhaie ( Hemiscyllium ( Gr . Scylla + "hemi" = half)) are a shark genus from the family of hemiscylliidae (Hemiscylliidae). It currently includes nine described species that occur exclusively on the coasts of Indonesia , New Guinea , Northern Australia and possibly also the Solomon Islands . They got their German names because of the characteristic, epaulette- like, dark shoulder patches of the type species ( Hemiscyllium ocellatum ) and some other species, which can also be fused into a saddle-shaped structure.


Hemiscyllium species have a very elongated, slender body and reach a length of 46 cm to 1.10 meters. The section from the anus to the beginning of the anal fin , which is located far back, just in front of the caudal fin, makes up more than 38% of the length, the head length in front of the gill openings less than 13.3%. The snout is short, the distance from the eyes to the tip of the snout is less than 3% of the total length. Eyes and supraorbital ridges are well developed. The nostrils are located at the tip of the snout. The nasal barbels are short. The mouth is a little closer to the tip of the snout than to the eyes. The lower labial folds are not connected to each other. The pectoral and pectoral fins are thick and have powerful muscles. The propterygium, an element of the pectoral fin skeleton, has grown together with the mesopterygium. Hemiscyllium species usually have more than 180, sometimes up to 195, vertebrae.


The different Hemiscyllium species cannot be distinguished by morphometric data such as the number of vertebrae or the shape of their fins, but only by their color. However, the coloration of the animals can change drastically as they grow. By H. strahani and H. trispeculare only are adult or subadult animals known.


Web links

Commons : Hemiscyllium  - collection of images, videos, and audio files