Erasmus Rothmaler the Younger

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Erasmus Rothmaler (born August 21, 1599 in Frankenhausen , † November 28, 1662 in Güttland near Danzig) was a German Lutheran clergyman and neo-Latin poet.


Rothmaler was the son of the archdeacon of the same name Erasmus Rothmaler the Elder and his wife Maria (1569-1611). He matriculated on July 24, 1621 together with his brother Johann Rothmaler at the University of Wittenberg. After completing his studies, he received a call to the rectorate in Riesenburg in Pomesanien , then in Heiligenbeil .

In 1639 he became pastor in Neukirchen and Schönhorst near Marienburg , until he moved to Güttland in 1642 as pastor in the Danzig lowlands.

His younger brother Johann Rothmaler became general superintendent in Rudolstadt .


He published several volumes of Latin epigrams . In his publications he carried the title of Crowned Poet :

  • Gemmae poeticae, Danzig 1650.
  • Deliciae poeticae in three parts, Danzig 1651.
  • Epigrammatum ioco-seriorum appendix, Danzig 1652.
