Erich E. Geissler

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Erich Eduard Geissler , also Geissler (born September 13, 1928 in Obergeorgenthal in today's Czech Republic; † February 22, 2018 in Leipzig ), was a German educational scientist and educational theorist.


Geissler received his academic training from 1949 at the Pedagogical Institute in Darmstadt . During his time as a teacher in Frankfurt (from 1952) he studied pedagogy , philosophy , political science and psychology at the University of Frankfurt . After receiving his doctorate in 1961, he became an assistant at the educational seminar of the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main . There he completed his habilitation and in 1965 received a professorship for systematic and historical pedagogy at the University of Education in Landau in the Palatinate . In 1968 he accepted a call to the full professorship for general education at the University of Education in Berlin. At the same time he became an honorary professor at the Free University of Berlin. He was appointed to the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn in 1970. There he became director of the Institute for Educational Science . In addition to questions of school pedagogy, educational theory and educational policy, he also worked on problems related to subject didactics in the subject of pedagogy (see pedagogy lessons ). From 1991 to 1994 he held a visiting professorship at the University of Leipzig and was the founding dean of the educational science faculty of this university.

Geissler's work on the subject didactics of pedagogy lessons

In the 1970s, EE Geissler held lectures, seminars and advanced seminars on the subject of "Education as a subject". There are many indications that the two manuscripts, which he did not publish in book form, were written between 1973 and 1975 and should be given to students as a working basis for the courses. In 2013 Eckehardt Knöpfel published the manuscripts in book form with the author's approval.

Geissler based his school theory consistently on educational theory. He transfers this school pedagogical foundation to the didactic and subject-didactic area. Geissler's specialist didactics for pedagogy lessons are principally educational. Education is understood - both in school pedagogy, also in general didactic, and also in subject didactic - as the subject of the human-born with the declared aim of generating a mature understanding of self and the world; In finding the term for education, Geissler ties in with the neo-humanist tradition and modifies it in three ways:

a) As the relationship of the individual, the subject, the educated person to society "from the perspective of adaptation and resistance"
b) as the relationship of the individual to society from the perspective of commitment and participation (understood less as interference than as social participation) and thirdly
c) "Education includes the relationship of the individual to the conditions of his individuality and personality from the perspective of reflection and responsibility."

Geißler links the concept of education very closely with the didactic constitution of pedagogy lessons; Initially, however, generation of education is regarded as the basis in a general didactic manner, indispensable and necessary for all teachers and, if it is systemically thought, also for all schools. In a second step, the concept of education also becomes the educational content for pedagogy lessons; And finally - and this is what makes his subject didactics uniqueness - dealing with the concept of education becomes immediately significant for the students, because the conscious engagement with the educational content of the individual subjects causes forces in the subject to finalize education.

Geissler sums it up as follows: “If the subject of education, viewed from the first point of view, has the task of summarizing what is to be found scattered in different subjects in terms of individual aspects of education, then, viewed from the second point of view, the subject receives a special subsidiary task: im In the last part of the entire course of education, the special educational task of which must be the targeted transition from external to self-education, appropriate interests and motivations are to be developed through targeted problematization, which can provide the foundation and direction for the self-education that is now beginning. In particular, the general meaning of education for one's own personal genesis must be made clear. "

Geissler's intentions thus differ significantly from those of other didactic positions for pedagogy lessons. He moves pedagogy lessons from the peripheral area of ​​the subjects into the focus of school events and assigns them a preferred place in the canon.


  • EE Geissler: Analysis of the lesson. Bochum 1973.
  • EE Geißler: Education as a subject. unpublished typewritten manuscript. Bonn, without a year
  • EE Geissler: Education as a subject. Manual for didactic analysis of the subject, its learning objectives and content. Typewritten manuscript. Bonn, without a year
  • EE Geißler: General education in a free society: viewpoints, concepts, ideas, criticism. Düsseldorf 1977.
  • EE Geißler: General education in the free society. In: Philologists Association North Rhine-Westphalia (Ed.): 29th Gemener Congress. High school in reform. Bottrop 1977, pp. 23-46.
  • EE Geißler: The school and its mission. In: E. Röper: The school and its mission. Documentation of a scientific conference of the Hermann Ehlers Foundation. Mainz 1979, pp. 11-42.
  • EE Geißler: Legitimation of pedagogy lessons based on educational theory. In: K. Beyer: Fundamentals of didactics in pedagogy. Study texts on the didactic part of teacher training in the subject of pedagogy. (= Didactica Nova. Volume 8). Hohengehren 2000, pp. 27-33.
  • EE Geißler: General didactics. Foundation of an educational lesson. 2nd Edition. Stuttgart 1983.
  • EE Geissler: means of education. 6th edition. Bad Heilbrunn 1983.
  • EE Geissler: The school. Theories, models, criticism. Stuttgart 1984.
  • EE Geissler: Upbringing. Their meaning, their foundations and their means. A textbook. Würzburg 2006.
  • EE Geißler: On the current dispute over education. Bonn 2010.
  • EE Geißler: “Competence” and “Key Qualification”. Bonn 2010.
  • EE Geißler: reflection and education. Studies on the educational concept of Theodor Litts. Bonn 2010.
  • EE Geißler: Theodor Litt: What makes people into people. Wuerzburg 2011.


  • E. Knöpfel (Ed.): EE Geissler's integrative-educational subject didactics of pedagogy lessons. (= Didactica Nova. Volume 20). Hohengehren 2013
  • E. Knöpfel: EE Geissler's integrative-educational subject didactics of pedagogy lessons. (= Didactica Nova. Volume 21). Hohengehren 2013.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Eckehardt Knöpfel (Ed.): EE Geissler's integrative-educational specialist didactics of pedagogy lessons. (= Didactica Nova. Volume 20). Hohengehren 2013.
  2. see the sketch of didactic models in pedagogy lessons : Klaus Beyer, Elmar Wortmann, Edwin Stiller, Andreas Gruschka