Erich Flinsch

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Erich Flinsch (born July 14, 1905 in Frankfurt am Main , † December 28, 1990 in Schneidhain ) was a German pianist and university professor. He was the grandchildren of Franz Liszt (1811–1886) and a student and assistant to the pianist, composer and musicologist Emil von Sauer (1862–1942) in Vienna .


Between 1954 and 1958, Flinsch succeeded Walther Davisson (1885–1973) one of the three board members of the music academy and Dr. Hoch's Conservatory in Frankfurt am Main , together with Gustav Lenzewski (1896–1988) and Helmut Walcha (1907–1991).

During this period, in July 1956, he was together with the physician and city councilor Max Flesch-Thebesius (1889–1983) founder of the Robert Schumann Society Frankfurt am Main in the Villa Bonn .




  • Otto Renkhoff : Nassau biography. Short biographies from 13 centuries. 2nd, completely revised and expanded edition. Historical Commission for Nassau, Wiesbaden 1992, ISBN 3-922244-90-4 , p. 197.

Individual evidence

  1. "With me, Schumann's legacy is in good hands." In: Frankfurter Neue Presse , February 8, 2006 (reproduced on )
  2. ^ Ina and Gustav Lenzewski Foundation ( Memento from December 11, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  3. ^ Robert Schumann Society Frankfurt am Main e. V. at: