Erich Moewes

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Karl Gustav Erich Moewes (born October 2, 1875 in Berlin ; † January 21, 1951 in Hildesheim ) was a German administrative lawyer .


Moewes studied law at the University of Heidelberg , where he was a member of the Corps Saxo-Borussia . He passed the first state examination in 1899 and entered the preparatory service for the state legal career. After two years as a court trainee, he switched to the district government in Frankfurt / Oder . After the assessor examination (1904) he was assigned to the district administrator of the Solingen district , then to the district government in Stade . On October 7, 1911 he was appointed district administrator of the Jork district. After the death of District Administrator Hans von Ditfurth , he was appointed to the provisional administration of the in April 1917Grafschaft Schaumburg and remained in office after the First World War. In 1919/20 he was a member of the municipal council in Kassel .

As a member of the DNVP , Moewes often came into conflict with the left district majority. With the twelve votes of the SPD, the district assembly demanded his recall in 1921 because he did not maintain the necessary impartiality in the exercise of his office. It was not until 1927 that the district president in Kassel was asked for a review by the Prussian interior ministry. Although he was certified as having a lack of skill, energy and initiative, he remained in office. Plans for his transfer were dropped when Moewes left the DNVP in 1929 in opposition to Hugenberg's policies and moved to the DVP . The National Socialists could not come to terms with the conservative district administrator either and put him into temporary retirement in May 1934. A little later he was referred to the district government in Hildesheim , where he was last senior councilor.


  • Dieter Poestges: The Rinteln district administrators in Prussian times . In: Schaumburger Heimat. Messages from the Heimatbund of Grafschaft Schaumburg e. V. 14 (1983), pp. 61f.

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