Erling Blöndal Bengtsson

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Erling Blöndal Bengtsson (born March 8, 1932 in Copenhagen , † June 6, 2013 in Ann Arbor , Michigan , USA ) was a Danish cellist .


At the age of 16 he became a student of Gregor Piatigorsky at the Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia , who made him his assistant in 1949. From 1950 to 1953 he taught with his own cello class at this institute before accepting an appointment at the Royal Danish Conservatory of Music in Copenhagen in 1953 , where he later also worked as a university lecturer. In 1980 he became a professor at the Cologne University of Music . In 1990 he returned to America and taught until 2006 at the "School of Music" at the University of Michigan . Bengtsson has performed as a soloist and has performed worldwide, mainly in Europe, Asia and North America. He was a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Music and was awarded the title "Chevalier du Violoncelle" by Indiana University in 1993. A large part of his numerous records and CD recordings were released on the Danish label DANACORD. In November 2006 DANACORD released the DVD “The Cello and I”, which shows a comprehensive portrait of this Scandinavian cellist from 1936 to 2006.


The fact that Bengtsson is valued throughout Scandinavia is the fact that his larger than life statue, created by the Icelandic sculptor Olöf Pálsdottir , adorns the spacious square in front of the Harpa concert hall at the port of Reykjavík .

honors and awards

  • Knight of the Icelandic Order of the Falcons
  • 1946: Musikanmelderringens ærespris
  • 1961: Prof. Ove Christensens ærespris
  • 1962: Århus-studenternes æreskunstner
  • 1965: composer Ludvig Schyttes Mindelegat
  • 1973: Hædersgave from Carl Nielsen's and Anne Marie Carl-Nielsen's legacy
  • 1976: Läkerol awards
  • 1977: Dannebrogorden , knight 1st class (November 16, 1977)
  • 1993: "Chevalier du Violoncelle", Indiana University , School of Music, Eva Janzer Memorial Cello Center
  • 2001: Award of Distinction, Manchester International Cello Festival
  • 2005: "Premier Master Cellist 2005", the Detroit Cello Society
  • 2006: IFPIs Ærespris ved P2 prizes DMA Klassisk
  • Velux Fondens Hæderspris
  • English Hyam Morrison Gold Medal for Cello

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Jens Cornelius : “Århundredets danske cellist” ( Danish ) DR P2 . June 7, 2013. Archived from the original on June 9, 2013. Retrieved June 13, 2013.
  2. Erling Bløndal Bengtsson ( Danish ) The Danske store . May 7, 2011. Retrieved June 13, 2013.
  3. Biography ( Danish ) May 7, 2011. Retrieved June 13, 2013.
  4. a b Erling Bløndal Bengtsson ( Norwegian ) Store norske leksikon . May 7, 2011. Retrieved June 13, 2013.