Ernest Charles Ashton

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Ernest Charles Ashton , CB ( October 28, 1873 - August 19, 1957 ) was a Canadian officer who served as Lieutenant General between 1935 and 1938 as Chief of the Army General Staff and from 1939 to 1941 as Inspector General of the Military Forces in Canada.


Ernest Charles Ashton completed an officer training after attending school and then found various uses as an officer and staff officer in the army . He was promoted to lieutenant colonel on January 8, 1907 and was in command of the reserve brigades of the Canadian infantry stationed in England between September 15, 1915 and November 7, 1916 during the First World War . During this time, he was promoted to colonel on May 24, 1916 . Subsequently, he was there from November 8, 1916 to April 1, 1917 commander of the Canadian training units and between April 2 and November 6, 1917 commander of the 15th Infantry Brigade, also stationed in England.

After his promotion to major general on January 1, 1918, Ashton was first acting adjutant general and on January 1, 1919 adjutant general. He then became Quartermaster General on August 18, 1920 and held this post from January 1, 19123 to December 31, 1929 at the National Defense Headquarters. After he was commander of the 2nd military district between January 1, 1930 and September 30, 1933, he served as commander of the 11th military district from October 1, 1933 to May 31, 1935. On June 1, 1935, he replaced Major General Andrew McNaughton as Chief of the Army General Staff and remained in this position until November 21, 1938, whereupon Major General Thomas Victor Anderson succeeded him. On June 3, 1935, he was appointed Companion des Order of the Bath (CB). During the Second World War he held the post of General Inspector of the Military Forces in Canada as Lieutenant General from 1939 to 1941 and then retired.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. List of commanders of the Army on the Canadian Army homepage
  2. ^ London Gazette  (Supplement). No. 34166, HMSO, London, May 31, 1935, p. 3595 ( PDF , accessed January 18, 2019, English).
predecessor Office successor
Andrew McNaughton Chief of the General Staff of the Army
Thomas Victor Anderson