Ernesto Colli

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Ernesto Colli (born May 16, 1940 in Biella , † November 19, 1982 in Rome ) was an Italian actor .


Even before completing his high school education, Colli acted on an amateur basis in theater and in two Super8 films, which are lost. Through his friendship with Vittorio Gassman , who valued the tall, slim, always harried Colli, he got a supporting role in his film L'arcidiavolo (1966) and from then on played in a large number of films with his hectic and tight diction and television work. He was often cast as a dysfunctional personality, a frustrated violent person or a drug addict and had the opportunity to work with directors such as Federico Fellini , Alberto Bevilacqua , Gianni Amelio and Francesco Rosi . For television he appeared in dramatic works such as Sandro Bolchi's Camilla or Pietro Schivazappa's Gli occhi del drago .

Colli died at the age of 42; in his last appearances he looked even leaner and sicker than usual.

Filmography (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Roberto Poppi, Article Ernesto Colli , in: Roberto Chiti, Enrico Lancia, Andrea Orbicciani, Roberto Poppi: Dizionario des Cinema Italiano. Gli Attori. P. 135. Rome, Gremese Editore 1998. ISBN 88-7742-261-0