Ernst Behrend (lawyer)

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Stumbling block for Ernst Behrend in Berlin

Ernst Adolph Behrend (born June 6, 1882 in Kolberg ; died December 6, 1938 in Berlin ) was a German lawyer . He was President of the Senate in Berlin.

life and work

He was born the son of the secret medical councilor Felix Behrend and his wife Rosa from Königsberg.

After attending the Domgymnasium in Kolberg , where he graduated from high school in 1900, he studied law at the universities of Lausanne, Munich, Berlin and Kiel. In 1905 he received his doctorate as Dr. jur. He then worked as a trainee lawyer in Pomerania and Altona. In 1910 he became a court assessor and in the same year went to London for a few months to study English law and administration . He then went on extensive study trips through Scotland, Belgium and France.

After returning to Germany, he worked in Stettin from 1912 to 1914. He then became a district judge in Charlottenburg. Immediately after the outbreak of the First World War , he was called up for military service. He took part as a captain in the Battle of the Marne in France, was transferred to the imperial general staff in Berlin in 1916 and to the consulate in Gothenburg in Sweden, where he was appointed vice-consul.

After the end of the war he returned to the Weimar Republic, where he was promoted to government councilor in the Berlin police headquarters in 1919 . In 1921 he moved to the Reich Ministry of Labor as a senior government councilor. In 1922 he became a member and later chairman of the Senate of the Reich Supply Court. In 1926 he was appointed permanent member of the Reich Insurance Office . There he was promoted to Senate President in 1929. At the end of 1935, Ernst Behrend was retired due to the Aryan paragraph . In 1938 he committed suicide.

Ernst Behrend had specialized in welfare and social legislation and was involved in the drafting of various laws of the Weimar Republic in the 1920s.


Ernst Behrend married Charlotte, the daughter of city councilor Carl Gronewaldt, on May 8, 1912 in Berlin. The sons Horst, Werner and Ernst Günther emerged from the marriage. In 1935 they lived in Berlin-Halensee , Hektorstraße 12. and then moved to Seesener Straße 28.


  • In 2012, a stumbling block for Ernst Behrend was laid in front of the house at Seesener Straße 28 in Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf-Halensee.


Individual evidence

  1. Berlin Address Book, 1935 edition, p. 129.
  2. Herrmann AL Degener: Degeners Who is it? . Xth edition, Berlin 1935, p. 87.
  3. Berlin Address Book, 1938 edition, p. 137.
  4. ^ Stumbling block for Ernst Behrend