Ernst Dunshirn

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Ernst Dunshirn (born February 6, 1935 in Lower Austria ; † March 17, 2020 in Vienna ) was an Austrian conductor and choir director of the Vienna State Opera .


Dunshirn studied conducting and church music in Vienna and France . He initially directed the Vienna Chamber Choir , with which he made guest appearances in many European cities.

From 1974 Dunshirn worked as choir director and Kapellmeister at the Landestheater Linz . He acted as choirmaster at the Salzburg Festival , in Bayreuth and Bregenz , but also in the Arena di Verona .

He was active as a concert and opera conductor in Salzburg, Baden near Vienna and Ulm, but also at the Vienna Court Music Band . Dunshirn was also a professor of choral singing at the Vienna University of Music .

In 1997 Dunshirn was appointed to the Vienna State Opera and worked there until 2007.

His wife, the soprano Donna Ellen , has been there since 2008 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. obituary of Ernst Dunshirn