Ernst Friedrich Koehler

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Ernst Friedrich Christoph Köhler (born September 11, 1788 in Buttelstedt , † July 26, 1851 in Weimar ) was a German Protestant clergyman.


Ernst Friedrich Köhler was born the son of a clergyman and was the youngest of three brothers.

He received his first lessons from his father and then attended grammar school in Weimar (today: Wilhelm Ernst grammar school Weimar ); after its termination he began a theology and philosophy studies at the University of Jena and ended this at the University of Leipzig with a dissertation on Ulrich von Hutten , with whom he as a doctor of philosophy doctorate .

After graduating, he spent several years of teachers and educators of children of the secret Hofrat Emil Huschke , the personal physician of the Grand Duke Carl August of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach and practitioner of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe .

In 1813 he was appointed court and city deacon to the Hofkirche Weimar , where he had previously been employed as a collaborator . His homilitic training was shaped by Claus Harms and Johann Heinrich Bernhard Dräseke in such a way that his sermons were always well attended, but he rejected repeated requests to have the sermons appear in print on the grounds that one sermon was not from the The context of the worship service should be broken, and another work could become separate from the personality of its creator. He saw his sermons as children who were loved at home, but mistreated abroad .

After Grand Duke Carl Friedrich von Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach took office on June 4, 1828, he appointed Ernst Friedrich Köhler to consistorial councilor shortly afterwards , but this did not change his previous activities.

In June 1833 senior consistorial advisor Johann Friedrich Heinrich Schwabe went to Darmstadt as prelate and Ernst Friedrich Köhler followed in his positions as senior consistorial advisor , court preacher and director of the orphan welfare institution in Weimar.

After the death of the general superintendent Johann Friedrich Röhr in 1848 he took over his office.

Ernst Friedrich Köhler had been married to Auguste Caroline Elise (1807–1879), daughter of the chief forester Oschatz in Heyda near Ilmenau , since April 19, 1825 , and had several children. Of these it is known:

Fonts (selection)

  • Death sacrifice on Huschke's grave: offered in Weimar's name on the evening of September 5th of 1828 . Weimar 1828.
  • The St. John's celebration of the Crossbowmen Society in Weimar . Weimar 1832.
  • Our Christmas joy and my return to your midst: two sermons during his change of office in the Stadt- u. Weimar court church held on Christmas and Epiphannias festivals . Weimar Hoffmann 1834.
