Ernst Graupner

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Ernst Graupner

Ernst Graupner (born December 22, 1917 in Ingolstadt , † January 25, 1989 in Munich ) was a German painter.


Ernst Graupner was born in Ingolstadt in 1917 as the third oldest of six children of administrative inspector Franz Graupner and housewife Elsa Graupner, née Scharf. He received his first artistic impulses at the humanistic Reuchlin-Gymnasium in Ingolstadt from the drawing teacher Wilhelm Krauss. Throughout his life he had a close friendship with his classmate Knut Schnurer . From 1939 to 1944 he studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich with Hermann Kaspar and Julius Heß . There he met the Swiss textile artist Annemarie Baumgartner (granddaughter of the Swiss watercolorist Christian Baumgartner), whom he married in 1953. From 1945 he worked as a freelance artist in Munich. Together with their friend from Munich architect Hans Maurer , the couple built a studio house in Munich-Nymphenburg in 1953. Their son Stefan was born in 1954. Ernst Graupner died on January 25, 1989 in Munich.


Graupner has left an extensive body of drawings, paintings and images behind glass. His style was initially shaped by Fauvism , Expressionism and Cubism . His artistic approach was always figurative. In the last twenty years of his life he turned more and more to drawing and thus found a medium with which he could directly translate the exploration of the unconscious into a visual language that became characteristic of his oeuvre. Numerous murals were created in public buildings (Sparkasse, Kindergarten, Bundespost), most recently in 1982 in the Ingolstadt Clinic.


  • 1971: Federal Cross of Merit, 1st class
  • 1972: Art Prize of the City of Munich ( Water Lily Prize )


  • Solo exhibitions and a. in Munich. Ingolstadt, Erlangen, Rosenheim, Essen, Ludwigshafen, Hameln, Winterthur, Schaffhausen, Büren a. A., Bern
  • Annual participation in a large art exhibition in the Haus der Kunst in Munich; Kunstverein Ingolstadt, pavilion in the Old Botanical Garden.
  • Acquisitions by Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen (Pinakothek der Moderne), Staatliche Graphische Sammlung, Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus Munich and the city of Ingolstadt, Städtische Sammlung


  • Wind, weather and oh dear! A legend from our time. Text Molly Bareiss, drawings by Ernst Graupner. Private printing, Hans Hösl printing house, Munich undated (approx. 1964)
  • Catalog Ernst Graupner: paintings, hand drawings, behind glass pictures. Canisiuskonvikt - Orbansaal Kunstverein Ingolstadt eV, 1965
  • Catalog Annemarie Graupner: tapestries, Ernst Graupner: drawings, pictures. Municipal Gallery Rosenheim, 1986
  • Catalog showroom in the Herzogskasten Ingolstadt and in the Ignaz-Günther-Haus in Munich. ed. v. Peter Volkwein, 1988


  • Peter Paul Althaus: The water lily. A contribution from Schwabing to the 800th anniversary of the city of Munich. Pictures, drawings, sculptures, books. Munich 1958.
  • Munich 1869–1958. Departure to modern art. House of Art, Munich 1958.
  • Annette Doms: New ways. About the situation and reception of modern painting in the post-war period in Munich. Art history dissertation. Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich 2004
  • Ingolstadt painters and sculptors in the 19th and 20th centuries. Edited by Karl Heinz Steinbeißer and Angelika Koller-Jaletzky. Antiquarian publisher W. Steinbeißer, Ingolstadt 2009.
  • General artist lexicon. The visual artists of all times and peoples , Volume 61. KG Saur Verlag, Munich / Leipzig 2009.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Ernst Graupner: Paintings - hand drawings, reverse glass pictures; Exhibition June 24th - July 4th 1965; Canisiuskonvikt - Orbansaal; Art Association Ingolstadt eV . Geier, 1965 ( [accessed on August 8, 2018]).
  2. ^ Annemarie Graupner: tapestries, Ernst Graupner: drawings, pictures: Städtische Galerie Rosenheim, May 3 to June 8, 1986 . 1986 ( [accessed on August 8, 2018]).
  3. seerose contribution schwabing's 800 year celebration city of munich - ZVAB. Retrieved August 8, 2018 .
  4. aufbruch to the modern art of the house - ZVAB. Retrieved August 8, 2018 .
  5. response informationsdesign gmbh & co. kg - münchener straße 23 - 85051 ingolstadt - phone: 0841 9319795 - fax: 0841 9319799 - mail: [email protected] - web: : Stadtmuseum Ingolstadt. Retrieved August 8, 2018 .
  6. ^ Saur - General Artist Lexicon. Retrieved on August 8, 2018 (German).