Ernst Hermann van Rappard

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Van Rappard (1944-45)

Ernst Hermann van Rappard (born October 30, 1899 in Java ; † January 11, 1953 in Vught ) was a Dutch National Socialist , member of the Waffen-SS and party leader of the Nationaal-Socialistische Nederlandsche Arbeiderspartij , a barely significant small party that was overshadowed by the essentially more successful National Socialist Movement . Van Rappard studied in Berlin and Munich and came into contact with the National Socialist idea early on. When he returned to living in the Netherlands, he had become a staunch National Socialist .

In 1931 he co-founded the NSNA and became party leader. In 1940 he supported the German invasion of his homeland. On the orders of the Germans, the NSNA was incorporated into the National Socialist Movement. Van Rappard volunteered for the Waffen-SS and belonged to the 1st SS Panzer Division Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler and was wounded in Estonia in 1944, for which he was awarded the Iron Cross, second class.

In May 1945 he became a Canadian prisoner of war. After the war, he was sentenced to death in 1949 , but the sentence was commuted to life imprisonment . After imprisonment in Leeuwarden and Breda , he died in 1953 in the prison hospital in Vught of cerebral haemorrhage .

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