Ernst Dear

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Ernst Lieb (born January 13, 1898 in Stein am Rhein , † December 5, 1989 in Schaffhausen , entitled to live in Stein am Rhein) was a Swiss politician (BGB) .


Ernst Lieb was born on January 13, 1898 in Stein am Rhein as the son of the pasta manufacturer Hermann Lieb and the Frieda née Graf. Lieb took a degree in agronomy at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich , which he obtained in 1921 with the academic degree of Dipl.-Ing. agr. graduated.

Immediately thereafter, Lieb worked as a farmer in Argentina until 1924 , until 1926 as an appraisal expert at the Swiss Farmers' Secretariat, until 1928 on behalf of the League of Nations as president of a Greek-Bulgarian appraisal commission and finally from 1928 to 1931 as tax commissioner in the canton of Schaffhausen.

In 1931 Ernst Lieb, a member of the farmers' party or the BGB, within which he ensured compensation, was elected to the Schaffhausen government council, to which he belonged until 1968. There he was initially entrusted with the management of the police and medical department, and from 1936 of the building and forestry department. In addition, he represented the canton in the Council of States from 1947 to 1963 .

In the government, Ernst Lieb promoted the expansion of the cantonal road network and shaped the rapid development in public building construction after 1945. As a tough negotiating partner, he tried to reach a consensus with his political opponent, Mayor Walther Bringolf . Despite his commitment to the Rheinau power plant, which the majority of the Schaffhausen population rejected, Ernst Lieb was confirmed as a member of the government in a competitive election in 1952.

Ernst Lieb married Hermine nee Giger in 1928. He died on December 5, 1989, just before the age of 92, in Schaffhausen.


  • The Durach Valley: Festschrift Ernst Lieb, edited by Walter Ulrich Guyan, Kurt Suter, 1968
  • Eduard Joos: Political parties and the press in the Canton of Schaffhausen, 1975
  • Walter Wolf: Walther Bringolf, a biography, 1995

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