Ernst Lorenzen

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Ernst Lorenzen (born November 5, 1876 in Wellsee , † September 26, 1954 in Langfeld near Gelting ) was a German teacher and writer.

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Ernst Lorenzen was a son of the main teacher Theodor Lorenzen (* 1852 in Arnis ; † 1907 in Suchsdorf ) and his wife Catharine, née Henningsen (* 1848 in Eckernförde ; † 1928 in Arnis). He attended the teachers' seminar in Eckernförde and then taught in Suchsdorf, Winnemark , Schnelsen and Öspel . He had one last job as an auxiliary school teacher in Hagen, Westphalia . In retirement he went back to his home region and lived in fishing .

As an enthusiastic teacher, Lorenzen was particularly interested in auxiliary school pedagogy and the methodical structure of German lessons for elementary schools. He also wrote about local history and folklore, first in Westphalia, then in Schleswig-Holstein. He didn't work like a scientific researcher, but primarily like a journalist. Therefore he mostly used secondary rather than primary sources.

Lorenzen published very extensively. He wrote articles on pedagogy, reading texts for children and was always very concerned with writings for young people. In addition, there were short stories and a novel in Low German that is set in old Kiel. In the eastern Angling he wrote down numerous folk tales, which he did not publish.

Lörenzen was particularly concerned with modern art, primarily painting and graphics. He was married to Paula Seehusen (* 1879 in Nübelfeld , † 1964 in Hagen).

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  • Paul Selk: Lorenzen, Ernst . in: Schleswig-Holstein Biographical Lexicon . Volume 3. Karl Wachholtz Verlag, Neumünster 1974, pp. 185-186