Ernst Odefey

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Ernst David Julius Christopher Odefey (born November 13, 1882 in Hamburg ; † September 1, 1964 in Hamburg-Blankenese ) was a German painter and graphic artist.


Ernst Odefey completed an apprenticeship as a lithographer in Hamburg from 1898 to 1901 and was then in this profession until 1904 at “L. Handorff, Kiel - lithography and high-speed press lithography ”. In 1905 he was at the Landeskunstschule Hamburg as a student of Julius Wohlers . From 1906 he studied at the Grand Ducal Saxon Art School in Weimar as a student of Ludwig von Hofmann , Hans Olde and Theodor Hagen , interrupted in 1910 by a scholarship to Paris. In 1911 he was also a master student with Hans Olde.

From 1912 to 1919 he was a lecturer in figurative drawing and painting at the State Art Academy in Kassel . Study trips took him to Holland and several times to Bornholm . In 1912 Alfred Lichtwark acquired a work by Odefey for the Kunsthalle Hamburg, depicting the painter Hermann Linde . From 1929 to 1936 he lived as a freelance artist in Hoopte on the Elbe. In 1936 the company moved to Hamburg-Blankenese. From 1938 to 1956 he was a teacher of life drawing at the Hamburg University of Fine Arts . Further study trips took him again to Bornholm, Austria, Italy, Tyrol and the Dolomites.

Ernst Odefey was a member of the German Association of Artists , of the Hamburg Artists 'Association from 1832 and of the Hamburg Artists' Association since 1920 .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Deutscher Künstlerbund ( Memento of March 4, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) - overview of members