Ernst von Küchler

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Ernst von Küchler (born June 27, 1884 in Philippsruhe Castle near Hanau, † June 14, 1956 in Frankfurt am Main ) was a German diplomat and legal knight of the Order of St. John .


The son of the Grand Ducal Hessian colonel , wing adjutant and court marshal Karl von Küchler and Marie von Scholten (1851–1924) became court squire in 1906. His brother was the German field marshal Georg von Küchler . Küchler had attended the Ludwig-Georgs-Gymnasium in Darmstadt and studied law in Geneva, Leipzig and Giessen.

Since July 14, 1912 he was chamberlain and served as Imperial Vice Consul in Warsaw . From April 14, 1917, he held the post of the Grand Ducal Hessian Consul General in Thorn as chamberlain . Between 1918 and 1922 he worked in the newly established consulate in Helsingfors, and in the years that followed until 1927 mainly in Berlin. From 1927 to 1932 he was then consul in Bergen . On June 1, 1934, he joined the NSDAP and the SA . He was Consul General in Thorn until the outbreak of war in 1939.

Nothing is known about his activities after the end of the war and his denazification .

Von Küchler married on February 4, 1920 in Helsingfors Greta Sartoriso, b. von Pfaler (born April 26, 1883 in Helsingfors), who brought three children from her first marriage, they then had a son.


  • Maria Keipert (Red.): Biographical Handbook of the German Foreign Service 1871–1945. Published by the Foreign Office, Historical Service. Volume 2: Gerhard Keiper, Martin Kröger: G – K. Schöningh, Paderborn et al. 2005, ISBN 3-506-71841-X .

Individual evidence

  1. Nordeck zur Rabenau, Ferdinand Karl Joseph Leopold Freiherr von. Hessian biography. (As of March 24, 2011). In: Landesgeschichtliches Informationssystem Hessen (LAGIS).