Ernst von Munchausen

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Ernst Freiherr von Münchhausen (born September 30, 1847 in Erfurt ; † June 14, 1921 ) was a German manor owner and court official.


Ernst von Münchhausen was born as the son of the senior government councilor Georg Freiherr von Münchhausen and Angelika geb. Lüder. After visiting the convent school in Roßleben he studied at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-University of Bonn , the Georg-August-University of Goettingen and the Friedrich-Wilhelms-University of Berlin law . In 1868 he became a member of the Corps Borussia Bonn . After completing his studies, he became master of Straussfurt and Hobeck in the province of Saxony . He was district deputy and chamberlain .

Von Münchhausen was a captain and participant in the Franco-German War . He was married to Elsbeth von der Malsburg -Escheberg.


  • Friedrich Karl Devens, Biographical Corps Album of Borussia in Bonn 1827–1902 . Düsseldorf, 1902, p. 173
  • GG Winkel : Biographical corps album of Borussia in Bonn 1821–1928 . Aschaffenburg 1928, p. 167

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener corps lists 1910, 19 , 450