Erwin Spindler

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Erwin Spindler (1897)

Erwin Spindler (born March 27, 1860 in Dresden , † January 1, 1926 in Leipzig ) was a German artist, a late romantic-realistic landscape painter .


Spindler was the eleventh child of the music teacher and composer Fritz Spindler and his wife Emmeline. He became deaf from scarlet fever when he was five years old . From 1875 to 1880 he studied at the Royal Saxon Academy of Fine Arts in Dresden , most recently in the master class for landscape painting by Paul Mohn and Friedrich Preller the Younger . He received a certificate of honor for his painting “From the Ostragehege”.

Two years later he studied landscape painting again in Munich with Professors August Fink and Joseph Wenglein . Then he lived as a freelance painter in Munich. With artist friends he went on hikes through the Berchtesgadener Land and was on the road several times in Switzerland, Austria and Northern Italy.

In 1889 he married Elisabeth Crome, who was also deaf. In 1891 the young family moved to Leipzig. The couple had five children in total. Spindler was always employed by the CG Roeder music engraving and art institute . He was also actively involved in the deaf community: he founded the “Lipsia” sports club, participated in the deaf theater, directed the “Spindler painting school”, was a member of the board of the Saxon Deaf and Dumb Association and, towards the end of his life, chaired the Leipzig Deaf and Dumb Association. He has always remained true to his painting with tireless diligence. He died of a bowel disease on New Year's Day 1926.

Artistic work

Nautschütz (The Spring).
Around 1916, oil, 140 × 180 cm

Erwin Spindler left behind a manageable artistic work, which was published in a preliminary catalog raisonné in 1998. There are around 400 drawings, watercolors and oil paintings as well as more than 500 postcards that were created between 1899 and 1906 based on his detailed watercolor templates (the latter have been lost since the Second World War). Most cards are signed.

Owner of his works

Various descendants of Erwin Spindler; Samuel Heinicke School Leipzig; Museum of Fine Arts Leipzig ; Bitterfeld District Museum; City Museum Zeulenroda; Saxon home for the deaf and dumb Zwickau “Hermann-Gocht-Haus”; Archive of the Swiss Association for the Deaf (SVG Central Archive), Riehen; other private individuals

Works (selection)

August 11, 1906, watercolor, 17.7 × 24.9 cm
  • Pencil drawings by the 16/17 year old based on plaster figures from the Art Academy: Head of Medusa; Portrait bust of a Roman; Julius Caesar; Bearded man's head in profile; Nude from the back of a youth with a staff; Female half figure u. a.
  • Landscape drawings: groups of trees near Allach; Trees in the Dachau moss; Five young spruce trees, partly leaning against rocks; Clearing, hazel bushes in the foreground; Grasdorf near Leipzig a. a.
  • Watercolors : Church of Dippoldiswalde; Fortified church in Beucha; Street in Niemegk; Venice; Sailing ships in front of Venice; Riola in the Apennines; Carrara marble quarries; Evening mood in Pavia; Notre Dame in Paris; twelve monthly pictures u. a.
  • Oil painting: Seascape with boats off Heligoland; Sunny landscape with tall flowering plants along the way; Karwendel Mountains; Seascape near Borkum; Coastal landscape with the Grapallo tower near Nervi; Rubber (spring); Greifenhain (summer); Störmthal (autumn); Körlitz (winter); Hamburg Harbor (The Morning); View of Waldheim (The Evening) u. a.


  • Erwin Spindler: The vacation trip to Thuringia . Manuscript 1877, 26 p. Private property
  • CRC Köhler / Spindler (ed.): Instructions for landscape painting with watercolors . E. Haberland, Leipzig 1911 (introduction and "special part" by Erwin Spindler)


  • 1999: Erwin Spindler (1860–1926) - drawings, watercolors, paintings. Gallery in the lecture hall building, University of Leipzig.
  • 2010: 300 postcards by Erwin Spindler - for the artist's 150th birthday. Saxon State School for the Hearing Impaired Leipzig, Samuel Heinicke Support Center.


  • Friedrich von Boetticher : painter works of the 19th century, contributions to art history . 2 volumes, Dresden 1891 and 1901. Volume 1, p. 786.
  • Albin Maria Watzulik: A deaf and dumb artist couple . In: Deaf-Mute Courier. Leipzig 1901, No. 11, pp. 119–120.
  • Karl Josef Friedrich: Ludwig Richter and his group of students . Koehler & Amelang Verlag, Leipzig 1956, pp. 239-241 (Erwin Spindler March 17, 1860 Dresden - January 1, 1926 Leipzig).
  • Joachim Winkler: The deaf Leipzig painter Erwin Spindler . In: Reading instead of listening . Leipzig 1996, No. 3, pp. 18-19
  • Joachim Winkler: The deaf Leipzig painter Erwin Spindler . In: The sign . Hamburg 1997, No. 41, pp. 334-344. Ed .: Institute for German Sign Language
  • Erwin Spindler (1860–1926) - catalog raisonné. Ed. U. edit by Joachim Winkler. With a contribution by Rainer Behrends. Signum-Verlag, Hamburg 1998, 96 pages, 70 images, e.g. T. colored. ISBN 3-927731-65-X .
  • Joachim Winkler: Erwin Spindler's 150th birthday - 300 of his postcards from around 1900 exhibited in Leipzig (March 26 to June 25, 2010). In: The sign . Hamburg 2010, No. 85, pp. 344–351. Ed .: Institute for German Sign Language.
  • Eberhard Kasten: Spindler, Erwin . In: General Artist Lexicon . The visual artists of all times and peoples (AKL). Volume 105, de Gruyter, Berlin 2019, ISBN 978-3-11-023271-4 , p. 292 f.

Web links

Commons : Erwin Spindler  - collection of images, videos and audio files