Archeparchy of Beirut and Jbeil

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Archeparchy of Beirut and Jbeil
Basic data
Rite church Melkite Greek Catholic Church
Country Lebanon
Diocesan bishop Georges Bacaouni
Emeritus diocesan bishop Joseph Kallas SMSP
Cyrille Salim Bustros SMSP
Parishes 139 ( 12/31/2007 / AP2009 )
Residents 80,000 ( 1969 )
Catholics 200,000 ( 12/31/2007 / AP2009 )
proportion of 250%
Diocesan priest 63 ( 12/31/2007 / AP2009 )
Religious priest 30 ( 12/31/2007 / AP2009 )
Catholics per priest 2.151
Friars 71 ( 12/31/2007 / AP2009 )
Religious sisters 190 ( 12/31/2007 / AP2009 )
rite Byzantine rite
Liturgical language Arabic
cathedral Saint Elias Greek Catholic Cathedral

The archeparchy Beirut and Jbeil ( lat. : Archidioecesis Berytensis et Gibailensis Graecorum Melkitarum ) is in Lebanon located Archdiocese of Melkite Greek Catholic Church , based in Beirut .


The Archdiocese of Beirut and Jbeil was established as the Archdiocese of Beirut in the 4th century . On August 16, 1881, the Archdiocese of Beirut was transferred to the Melkite Greek Catholic Church and has been called the Archeparchy of Beirut and Jbeil since that time .

Archbishops of Beirut and Jbeil

See also

Web links