Archeparchy of Haifa e Terra Santa

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Archeparchy of Haifa e Terra Santa
Map of the Haifa e Terra Santa archipelago
Basic data
Rite church Maronite Church
Country Israel
Diocesan bishop Moussa El-Hage OAM
founding 1996
surface 20,991 km²
Parishes 6 (December 31, 2006 / AP2007 )
Residents 7,602,400 ( 12/31/2006 / AP2007 )
Catholics 7,000 ( 12/31/2006 / AP2007 )
proportion of 0.1%
Diocesan priest 7 (December 31, 2006 / AP2007 )
Catholics per priest 1,000
Religious sisters 5 (December 31, 2006 / AP2007 )
rite Antiochian rite
Liturgical language Syrian

The Archieparchia of Haifa and the Holy Land ( Latin Archieparchia Ptolemaidensis Maronitarum in Terra Sancta ) is a Maronite archeparchy with its seat in Haifa, united with the Roman Catholic Church .


The Arch Parchy was established on June 8, 1996. It goes back to an ancient bishopric in Akka from the third century . On October 5th of the same year it lost parts of its territory in favor of the establishment of the Patriarchal Exarchates of Jerusalem and Palestine and Jordan , which share a bishop in persona episcopi .

St. Ludwig Cathedral in Haifa

Archbishops of the Haifa e Terra Santa Archeparchy


year population priest Permanent deacons Religious Parishes
Catholics Residents % Total number
Diocesan priest

Religious priest
Catholics per
Friars Religious sisters
1999 7,000 ? ? 7th 5 2 1,000 2 9 6th
2000 7,000 ? ? 6th 5 1 1.166 1 9 6th
2001 7,000 ? ? 7th 5 2 1,000 2 9 6th
2002 7,000 ? ? 5 5 1,400 9 6th
2003 7,000 ? ? 6th 6th 1.166 9 6th
2004 7,000 ? ? 6th 6th 1.166 8th 6th
2010 7,000 ? ? 11 8th 3 1,000 3 6th 6th

See also

Web links