A frost fell in the spring night (film)

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Original title A frost fell in the spring night
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 1915
length about 87 minutes
Director Kurt Matull
script Fern Andra
production Kurt Matull
music Giuseppe Becce
camera Anton Mülleneisen

A frost fell on the spring night is a German silent film melodrama from 1915 with Fern Andra in the leading role.


The wife of bank director Balten leads a happy and harmonious marriage at the side of her husband. They have a boy together. However, Hans Berndt, a friend of her husband, is courting Mrs. Balten. When she visits a seaside resort with her son, Berndt harasses her with oaths of love. Mr. Balten witnessed one of these intrusive acts. He demands satisfaction and there is a duel between Balten and Berndt. A shot is fired and Balten is hit. A little later he succumbs to his serious injury.

Berndt, who has not yet found out about the death of his opponent in the duel, visits Ms. Balten in her house and asks her forgiveness for his recently impossible behavior. She leads him to the corpse of her beloved husband and pretends that Berndt has destroyed her happiness. Berndt leaves the house, writes a few lines of farewell and shoots himself in the garden with a revolver. Due to an unfortunate chain of circumstances, Ms. Balten is suspected of having murdered Berndt. There is a trial, but on the day the judgment was announced, the farewell letter that has disappeared since the removal of Berndt's corpse is found in the garden, explaining everything. Mrs. Balten is acquitted and finds a new love and new happiness in her husband's lawyer, who had so cleverly defended her.

Production notes

It fell a frost in the spring night had four acts, was 1585 meters long and passed the censorship on October 23, 1915. The strip, which was banned from young people, had its first performance on October 21, 1915 during a press screening. The mass start was on October 29, 1915 in the Berlin Mozart Hall. When it was re-censored in April 1921, the film was shortened to 1,484 meters.


"The second Fern Andraserie film of this year," A frost fell on the spring night ", is equivalent to the first Fern Andrabilde. Fern Andra, who appears in public with this picture not only as the main actress but also as the author, is delightful as always and has once again shown herself to be a remarkable player on the stage. The new Fern Andra picture can also be described as first-rate technically and scenically and has an even greater impact thanks to a series of very beautiful photographic effects. "

- Cinematographische Rundschau of October 17, 1915, p. 60

Heinrich Fraenkel scoffed in his memory book “Immortal Film”: “MAMMUTKITSCH. On the lovely shores of the spring-clear pond, Fern Andra sits on soft mossy rock, shimmered in the morning sunshine, and plays the harp. What is she playing? She plays 'A frost fell on the spring night', because after all the film had to have a title ”.

Kay Less writes about the thematic environment in Fern Andra's works: “Andra's cinematic touching pieces, which were preferably set in the world of the nobility or in the circus milieu, found a grateful audience during the First World War and carried such poignant titles as" Serious is life. " "," A hoarfrost fell in the spring night "and" The strings of the soul do not vibrate "."

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Heinrich Fraenkel: Immortal Film. The great chronicle from the Laterna Magica to the sound film. Munich 1956, p. 277.
  2. Kay Less : The film's great personal dictionary . The actors, directors, cameramen, producers, composers, screenwriters, film architects, outfitters, costume designers, editors, sound engineers, make-up artists and special effects designers of the 20th century. Volume 1: A - C. Erik Aaes - Jack Carson. Schwarzkopf & Schwarzkopf, Berlin 2001, ISBN 3-89602-340-3 , p. 106.

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