Eschweilera pedicellata

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Eschweilera pedicellata
Nuclear eudicotyledons
Order : Heather-like (Ericales)
Family : Potted fruit trees (Lecythidaceae)
Genre : Eschweilera
Type : Eschweilera pedicellata
Scientific name
Eschweilera pedicellata
( Rich. ) SAMori

Eschweilera pedicellata is a tree in the potted fruit tree family from northern Brazil , the Guyanas to Venezuela and Colombia .


Eschweilera pedicellata grows as a smaller tree up to about 20–30 meters high. The trunk diameter reaches 50 or more centimeters. There may be corrugations or smaller buttress roots at the bottom of the trunk . The thin bark is relatively smooth and red to maroon with längstreifig arranged lenticels .

The simple, short-stalked and alternate, paper-like leaves are ovate to elliptical or obovate. They are bald, with entire margins and pointed and 9–26 inches long and 4.5–9.5 inches wide. The short petiole is up to 0.5–1 centimeters long.

Axillary and racemose , slightly finely hairy inflorescences are formed at the branch ends. The large, hermaphrodite flowers are six-fold and stalked. The often reddish and finely hairy, about 1.5–3 centimeters long flower stalk sits on a "joint". The often reddish calyx is six-lobed, the tips up to 1 centimeter long are egg-shaped and somewhat boat-shaped. The 2.5–5 cm long petals are white to reddish, pink or rarely yellow and obovate.

The two-chamber ovary with short stylus is half upper constant. It is surrounded by many (250-300) fertile stamens , the stamen cover with the staminodes and the nectar inside, with triple curling, is mostly white to pink on the outside and yellowish on the inside. The flowers open at night and only one or two flowers per inflorescence per day.

The woody, more or less conical and pot-shaped capsule fruits (pyxidium), with small and lignified, triangular calyx remains in the middle, are up to 4–5 centimeters in size. The lidded lid (operculum) is humped. The light brown to blackish, smooth seeds with side, white aril are about 25 millimeters in size.


The first description of the basionym Lecythis pedicellata was in 1792 by Louis Claude Marie Richard in Actes Soc. Hist. Nat. Paris 1: 111. The division into the genus Eschweilera to Eschweilera pedicellata took place in 1987 by Scott Alan Mori in Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 44: 34. Many synonyms are known, a common one is Eschweilera longipes (Poit.) Miers .


The very durable, very hard and very heavy wood is known as Black Kakaralli or Manbarklak .


  • Franklin R. Longwood: Present and Potential Commercial Timbers of the Caribbean. Agriculture Handbook 207, USDA, 1962, p. 81 f, limited preview in the Google book search.
  • JF Rijsdijk, PB Laming: Physical and Related Properties of 145 Timbers. Kluwer, 1994, ISBN 0-7923-2875-2 , p. 226 f, limited preview in the Google book search.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Peter K. Endress: Diversity and Evolutionary Biology of Tropical Flowers. Cambridge Univ. Press, 1994, 1996, 1998 (Reprint), ISBN 0-521-42088-1 , p. 248.
  2. Eschweilera pedicellata at KEW Science.