Espostoa superba

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Espostoa superba
Order : Clove-like (Caryophyllales)
Family : Cactus family (Cactaceae)
Subfamily : Cactoideae
Tribe : Trichocereeae
Genre : Espostoa
Type : Espostoa superba
Scientific name
Espostoa superba
F. Knight

Espostoa superba is a species of plant in the genus Espostoa from the cactus family(Cactaceae). The specific epithet superba means '(Latin superbus) splendid, proud'.


Espostoa superba grows tree-shaped with shoots branching well above the ground and reaches heights of 4 to 8 meters. A distinct trunk is formed. The cylindrical, green shoots have a diameter of 7 to 11 centimeters. There are up to 30 or more very low, blunt ribs . The yellowish areoles on it are covered with many white hairs . The two central spines are 8 to 10 millimeters long and hardly stronger than the radial spines. The approximately 30 light yellow radial spines have a reddish tip and a length of 7 to 10 millimeters. The up to 4 meters long cephalium is reddish.

The whitish flowers are 3.5 to 4.5 inches long. The fruits are greenish white.

Distribution, systematics and endangerment

Espostoa superba is found in Peru in the Cajamarca region in the Jaén province in the valley of the Río Marañón at altitudes of 560 to 800 meters.

It was first described in 1960 by Friedrich Ritter .

In the Red List of Threatened Species of the IUCN , the species is called " Data Deficient (DD) ", i. H. with insufficient data.



Individual evidence

  1. Cacti and other succulents . Volume 11, Number 6, 1960, pp. 85-86.
  2. Espostoa superba in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2013.2. Posted by: Ostalaza, C., Cáceres, F. & Roque, J., 2011. Retrieved March 9, 2014.