Eudorus (son of Hermes)

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Eudoros ( Greek  Εὔδορος ) is a figure in Greek mythology .

According to Homer , Eudorus was the son of Hermes and Polymele , the daughter of Phylas . After his mother married the Echekles , Eudoros was raised by his grandfather. As an adult, Eudoros was one of the five military leaders of the Myrmidons before Troy , so he was part of the contingent led by Achilles in the Trojan War . With Homer, Eudoros was a warlike and brilliant figure, an extremely fast runner and just such a fighter.

While the further fate of Eudorus remains open with Homer, Eustathios of Thessalonike states in his commentary on the Odyssey that in the extended version of the Iliad by Timolaos by Larisa from the 3rd century BC. Chr. Achilles himself had assigned Eudorus to protect and as warner ( μνήμων ) of Patroclus in the fight for the ships. But in the first fighting he was killed by the Paionier Pyraichmes , whereupon Patroclus was the first to kill the Pyraichmes, as the Iliad also narrates.

Possibly behind Eudorus, the giver of good gifts, there is a hypostasis of Hermes, who himself was revered as the giver of good gifts, above all of wealth, but also of health. At least the detailed description of his genealogy in Homer, which extends over 14 lines, although he is not mentioned in Homeric work afterwards and also hardly plays a role in the following designs of mythical subjects, indicates a pre-Homeric hero .



  1. Homer , Iliad 16,179–192 ( Memento of September 23, 2015 in the Internet Archive ).
  2. Eustathios, commentarii ad Homeri Odysseam 1697,56.
  3. Homer, Ilias 16,287 ( Memento of September 23, 2015 in the Internet Archive ); Eustathios, commentarii ad Homeri Iliadem 359, 33.