Eugene Goßner

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Eugen Goßner (born July 3, 1911 in Augsburg ; † September 13, 1992 ) was a German pulmonologist and sports medicine specialist .

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Born in Augsburg in 1911, Eugen Goßner studied medicine at the Universities of Munich and Berlin from 1930 to 1936 after graduating from high school in St. Anna . After his doctorate at the University of Munich and the medical internship at the Municipal Hospital in Augsburg, he worked for many years at the Fürst-zu-Hohenloheschen-August Hospital in the Upper Silesian Ehrenforst, from 1940 as chief physician and was later also appointed to manage the company hospital of the Upper Silesian hydrogenation works . After the Second World War he worked as a senior physician and chief physician at the Lautrach and St. Albert lung clinics in Augsburg.

Commissioned by the state insurance institute in Swabia to plan the clinic, Eugen Goßner became its medical director in 1969.

From 1950 onwards, Goßner organized sports medicine seminars at the medical advanced training congresses in Grado, Davos and Meran for more than thirty years on behalf of the German Medical Association . In 1957, Eugen Goßner was elected President of the Bavarian Sports Medical Association for the first time - a position he held for over three decades. In this context, the first therapeutic groups were established in sports medicine, from which the coronary groups, respiratory therapy groups, rheumatism groups and other preventive and rehabilitative initiatives later developed.

At the Olympic Games in Rome, Tokyo and Munich, Eugen Goßner was an Olympic doctor.


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