Eugen Preisig

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Eugen Preisig (born February 21, 1888 in Herisau , † March 22, 1958 in St. Gallen ; resident in Schwellbrunn , from 1895 in Herisau) was a Swiss cantonal councilor and government councilor from the canton of Appenzell Ausserrhoden .


Eugen Preisig was a son of Albert Preisig, community judge, tailor and landlord , and Susanne Vogel. He married Eleonora Marugg, daughter of Johann Marugg, master mason . He completed an apprenticeship as a carpenter and then commercial training. He also worked as a reviewer for the Appenzeller Zeitung and as a shorthand teacher. He was employed by the district command in Herisau. From 1910 to 1941 he headed the newly created Herisau municipal tax office. As a free-spirited Ausserrhoder cantonal council from 1920 to 1941, Preisig was primarily committed to the concerns of employees and paved the way for a number of social postulates . From 1940 to 1941 he was President of the Cantonal Council. In 1941 he was elected to the government council. He was head of the tax department and swiftly pushed ahead with the revision of tax law and the introduction of income tax by 1953. From 1947 to 1958 he was Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Walke colored paper factory and from 1948 to 1958 of the Lithag lithography company. From 1926 to 1932 he was president of the Kreuzweg consumer association in Herisau.


  • Walter Schläpfer: Government Councilor Eugen Preisig, Herisau, 1888–1958. In: Appenzellische Jahrbücher, Volume 86/1958 (1959), pp. 34–36. Web access via

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