Eugene Eisenmann

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Eugene "Gene" Eisenmann (born February 19, 1906 in Panama City , † October 16, 1981 in New York City ) was a Panamanian - American ornithologist , environmentalist and lawyer.

Live and act

The father was from Philadelphia , his mother from Panama. When he came to New York at the age of ten, he first attended DeWitt Clinton High School . Eisenmann studied at Harvard University and Harvard Law School during the Great Depression . Since he could not immediately find a suitable job, he decided to visit Egypt to ponder his future there. On his return to the United States, he worked as a criminal defense attorney at Proskauer and Mendelsohn in New York, a job that did not fulfill him. When the company moved from Lower Manhattan , Eisenmann took the opportunity and resigned. He had saved up enough to live near the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) , first with his older aunt and later alone .

In August 1938 met John Lewis Bull know (1879-1946) Eisenmann, as both the binding beach runner ( Calidris himantopus ) in Tobay Pond on Long Iceland observed. It became a lifelong friendship. Both later worked together at the AMNH. Around the same time, Eisenmann met Dean Amadon (1912–2003) while observing nature. With him he discussed an abnormal Wilson plover ( Charadrius wilsonia ).

At the Linnaean Society of New York it was people like Ernst Mayr and Joseph James Hickey (1907-1993) who were very inspiring at the society's meetings. Influenced by these role models, Eisenmann stayed longer and longer at the AMNH. In 1957 he finally got a position as a research assistant at the museum. He held this position until his death. With Annotated list of birds of Barro Colorado Iceland, Panama Canal Zone in 1952 his first important book was published. It was not until 1979 that he and Edwin O'Neill Willis published an expansion of the work entitled A revised list of birds of Barro Colorado Island, Panamá .

Harvard Law School awarded him the Doctor of Jurisprudence . Eisenmann was considered a highly educated person and so he also dealt with topics such as music, politics and science. Despite a birth defect that only allowed him to use one hand, he typed all of his manuscripts with one finger alone. He despised tools such as dictation machines.

Since Eisenmann had Panamanian roots, he visited the country annually. Here he studied the abundant bird life and met with various family members. In 1952 he visited Panama with his friend Bull and, as a mentor, introduced him to the Neotropical bird world. Since he was fluent in Spanish, he also helped many Latin American students with their research. His contributions to the neotropical avifauna are far more diverse than his published works. His manuscripts, which were in Panama, helped many researchers in their work. He also corrected the manuscripts of others very meticulously and was happy to add his highly valued contributions. These aids have been mentioned benevolently in numerous publications on birds in Central and South America. Eisenmann himself was often modest and therefore often refused to co-author the publications. In 1962, he described with Frederico Carlos Lehmann Valencia to Brustfleck sailors ( Cypseloides lemosi ) new to science. In addition, were from him the white-throated thrush subtype ( Turdus assimilis coibensis Eisenmann , 1950), the Falk Nightjars subtype ( Chordeiles minor panamensis Eisenmann , 1962) and the spot breast Todityrann subtype ( Todirostrum maculatum amacurense Eisenmann & Phelps Jr firstdescribed, 1971).

His interest in the biology, evolution, geographic variation and conservation of birds was profound and not limited to questions of trival or scientific names. He always combined ornithological meetings with excursions in the great outdoors. This was true not only for his annual trips to Panama, but also for distant meetings such as 1960 in Tokyo at the International Council for Bird Preservation (ICBP) or 1969 at the Pan-African Ornithological Congress in the Kruger National Park . His legal and economic expertise, coupled with a penchant for environmental protection, made him a valuable member of the ICBP for the Pan America department .

When Eisenmann returned from Japan, he suffered a heart attack while watching albatrosses with Roger Tory Peterson in the Midway Islands . Thanks to the good care of the naval hospital on the island, he survived. A second heart attack followed in early 1981. He also seemed to be recovering well from this and so he traveled to Edmonton in the same year to attend the meeting of the American Ornithologists' Union (AOU). But shortly after his return he finally died after another heart attack.


As he was very sociable, he was very quickly known in the Linnaean Society of New York . He later became President of the Society. After his death, the society awarded the Eisenmann Medal to distinguished ornithologists. For the society he published one of his most important works, The species of Middle American birds . He became a member of the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature . In this task he was always willing to analyze and answer complicated questions about nomenclature .

In 1936, Eisenmann became a member of the AOU, to which he was loyal until the end of his life. In 1951 he was elected member of the AOU, in 1960 a fellow and from 1967 to 1969 he was elected vice president of the society. From 1958 to 1959 he was editor of the journal The Auk . As chairman of the commission, he prepared the sixth edition of the AOU checklist . This lasted from 1966 until his death. When the sixth edition was published, it was dedicated to Eisenmann. Many of his friends honored him in 1985 in Volume 36 Ornithological Monographs, which appeared under the title Neotropical Ornithology . This book is also dedicated to him.

Dedication names

Theodore Albert Parker III and John Patton O'Neill dedicated the name of the Inca king ( Pheugopedius eisenmanni ) to him. Francisco S. Delgado Botello honored him in 1985 in the name of the Azueran Parakeet ( Pyrrhura eisenmanni ).

Also, you can find his name in the subtypes of breast band Andean hummingbirds ( Coeligena torquata iron manni Weske , 1985), the fire-throated hummingbirds ( Panterpe insignis iron manni Stiles , 1985) of Olivrücken dwarf woodpecker ( Picumnus olivaceus iron manni Phelps Jr. & Aveledo , 1966), footed Gilbammer ( Sicalis luteola iron Manni Wetmore , 1953) and Schwarzkopf grebe ( Tachybaptus dominicus iron Manni Storer & Getty , 1985).

Publications (selection)

  • with Hustace Hubbard Poor: Suggested Principles for Vernacular Nomenclature . In: The Wilson Bulletin . tape 58 , no. 4 , 1946, pp. 210–215 (English, [PDF; 382 kB ]).
  • Some Notes on Panamá birds collected by JH Batty . In: The Auk . tape 67 , no. 3 , 1950, p. 364–367 (English, [PDF; 223 kB ]).
  • Northern birds summering in Panama . In: The Wilson Bulletin . tape 63 , no. 2 , 1951, p. 181–185 (English, [PDF; 291 kB ]).
  • Annotated list of birds of Barro Colorado Island, Panama Canal Zone . In: Smithsonian miscellaneous collections . tape 117 , no. 5 , 1953, pp. 1-62 ( ).
  • Seventy-five years of the Linnaean Society of New York. In: Proceedings of the Linnaean Society of New York . No. 63 , 1954, pp. 1-9 ( ).
  • The species of Middle American birds: A list of all species recorded from Mexico to Panama, with suggested English names, outlines of range, and a distributional bibliography . In: Transactions of the Linnean Society of New York . tape 7 , 1955, pp. 1-128 ( ).
  • Notes on birds of the province of Bocas del Toro, Panama . In: The Condor . tape 59 , no. 4 , 1957, pp. 247–262 (English, [PDF; 1.4 MB ]).
  • South American Migrant Swallows of the Genus Progne in Panama and Northern South America: with Comments on Their Identification and Molt . In: The Auk . tape 76 , no. 4 , 1959, pp. 529–532 (English, [PDF; 341 kB ]).
  • Favorite foods of Neotropical birds: flying termites and Cecropia catkins . In: The Auk . tape 78 , no. 4 , 1961, pp. 636–638 (English, [PDF; 205 kB ]).
  • On the Genus Chamaethlypis and its Supposed Relationship to Icteria . In: The Auk . tape 79 , no. 2 , 1962, pp. 265–267 (English, [PDF; 205 kB ]).
  • On the Systematic Position of Rhodinocichla Rosea . In: The Auk . tape 79 , no. 4 , 1962, pp. 640–648 (English, [PDF; 468 kB ]).
  • Notes on nighthawks of the genus Chordeiles in southern Middle America, with a description of a new race of Chordeiles minor breeding in Panamá . In: American Museum novitates . No. 2094 , 1962, pp. 1–21 ( [PDF; 2.0 MB ]).
  • with Federico Carlos Lehmann Valencia: A new species of swift of the genus Cypseloides from Colombia . In: American Museum novitates . No. 2117 , 1962, pp. 1–16 ( [PDF; 4.0 MB ]).
  • with Dominic Louis Serventy: An erroneous Panama record of Puffinus tenuirostris and other misidentifications of P. griseus . In: The Emu . tape 62 , 1962, pp. 199–201 ( ).
  • with Thomas Raymond Howell: The Taxonomic Status of the Hummingbirds Chalybura Melanorrhoa and Chalybura Urochrysia . In: The Condor . tape 64 , no. 4 , 1962, pp. 300–310 (English, [PDF; 841 kB ]).
  • Notes on Some Neotropical Vireos in Panama . In: The Condor . tape 64 , no. 6 , 1962, pp. 505–508 (English, [PDF; 369 kB ]).
  • Bear Island murre colony . In: Natural History The Magazine of the American Museum of Natural History . tape 72 , 1963, pp. 26–31 (English, ).
  • Mississippi Kite in Argentina; with Comments on Migration and Plumages in the Genus Ictinia . In: The Auk . tape 80 , no. 1 , 1963, p. 74–77 (English, [PDF; 273 kB ]).
  • Is the Black Vulture Migratory? In: The Wilson Bulletin . tape 75 , no. 3 , 1963, p. 244–249 (English, [PDF; 374 kB ]).
  • Breeding Nighthawks in Central America . In: The Condor . tape 65 , no. 6 , 1963, pp. 165–166 (English, [PDF; 71 kB ]).
  • The use of the terms "Juvenal" and "Juvenile" . In: The Auk . tape 82 , no. 1 , 1965, p. 105 (English, [PDF; 67 kB ]).
  • Falco rufigularis - The Correct Name of the Bat Falcon . In: The Condor . tape 68 , no. 2 , 1966, p. 208–209 (English, [PDF; 178 kB ]).
  • Birds of the Panama Canal Zone area . In: The Florida naturalist . tape 41 , 1968, p. 57–60 (English, ).
  • Wing formula as a means of distinguishing Summer Tanager (Piranga rubra) from Hepatic Tanager (P. tiara) . In: Bird-Banding . tape 40 , no. 2 , 1969, p. 144–145 (English, [PDF; 195 kB ]).
  • Review: A distributional survey of the birds of Honduras. By Burt L. Monroe, Jr . Ornithological Monographs No. 7, American Ornithologists' Union, 1968: 458 pp., 2 col. pls., 28 text maps. $ 9.00 ($ 7.20 to AOU members). In: The Wilson Bulletin . tape 82 , no. 1 , 1970, p. 106–109 (English, [PDF; 574 kB ]).
  • The Avifauna in Panama in Avifauna of northern Latin America: a symposium held at the Smithsonian Institution, April 13-15, 1966. In: Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology . tape 26 , 1970, pp. 50–57 (English, [PDF; 7.0 MB ]).
  • Range expansion and population increase in North and Middle America of the White-tailed Kite (Elanus leucurus) . In: North American Birds . tape 25 , no. 3 , 1971, p. 529–536 (English, [PDF; 2.4 MB ]).
  • with William Henry Phelps, Jr .: Una nueva subepscie de Todirostrum maculatum del delta del Orinoco . In: Boletín de la Sociedad Venezolana de Ciencias Naturales . tape 29 , no. 119/120 , 1971, pp. 186-194 (Spanish).
  • Thirty-second supplement to the AOU Check-List of North American Birds . In: The Auk . tape 90 , no. 2 , 1973, p. 411–419 (English, [PDF; 506 kB ]).
  • Thirty-third supplement to the AOU Check-List of North American birds . In: The Auk . tape 93 , no. 4 , 1976, p. 875–879 (English, [PDF; 251 kB ]).
  • with Federico Carlos Lehmann Valencia, James Ralph Silliman: Rediscovery of the Crescent-Faced Antpitta in Colombia . In: The Condor . tape 79 , no. 3 , 1977, pp. 387–388 (English, [PDF; 218 kB ]).
  • with Edwin O'Neill Willis: A revised list of birds of Barro Colorado Island, Panamá. In: Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology . tape 291 , 1979, pp. 1–30 (English, [PDF; 20.7 MB ]).
  • with Lester Leroy Short: Systematics of the avian genus Emberizoides (Emberizidae) . In: American Museum novitates . No. 2740 , 1982, pp. 1–21 ( [PDF; 3.7 MB ]).


  • American Ornithologists' Union: Check-list of North American birds: the species of birds of North America from the Arctic through Panama, including the West Indies and Hawaiian Islands . 6th edition. American Ornithologists' Union, Lawrence, Kansas 1983, ISBN 0-943610-32-X (English, ).
  • John Lewis Bull, Dean Arthur Amadon: In Memoriam: Eugene Eisenmann . In: The Auk . tape 100 , no. 1 , 1983, p. 188–191 (English, [PDF; 254 kB ]).
  • Francisco S. Delgado Botello in Paul Anthony Buckley, Mercedes Suarez Foster, Eugene Siller Morton, Robert Sterling Ridgely, Francine Geber Buckley: A New Subspecies of the Painted Parakeet (Pyrrhura picta) from Panama in Neotropical Ornithology . In: Ornithological Monographs No. 36 . No. 36 , 1985, pp. 17-20 , doi : 10.2307 / 40168274 .
  • Thomas Raymond Howell in Paul Anthony Buckley, Mercedes Suarez Foster, Eugene Siller Morton, Robert Sterling Ridgely, Francine Geber Buckley: Eugene Eisenmann and the Study of Neotropical Birds in Neotropical Ornithology . In: Ornithological Monographs No. 36 . No. 36 , 1983, pp. 1-4 , doi : 10.2307 / 40168272 .
  • Theodore Albert Parker III, John Patton O'Neill in Paul Anthony Buckley, Mercedes Suarez Foster, Eugene Siller Morton, Robert Sterling Ridgely, Francine Geber Buckley: A new species and a new subspecies of Thryothorus Wren from Peru in Neotropical Ornithology . In: Ornithological Monographs No. 36 . No. 36 , 1985, pp. 9-15 , doi : 10.2307 / 40168273 .
  • William Henry Phelps, Jr., Ramón Aveledo Hostos: A new subspecies of Icterus icterus and other notes on the birds of northern South America . In: American Museum novitates . No. 2270 , 1966, pp. 1–14 ( [PDF; 3.4 MB ]).
  • Keir Brooks Sterling, Richard Peter Harmond, George Anthony Cevasco, Lorne F. Hammond: Biographical Dictionary of American and Canadian Naturalists and Environmentalists . Greenwood Press, Westport 1997, ISBN 978-0-313-23047-9 (English, ).
  • Frank Gary Stiles in Paul Anthony Buckley, Mercedes Suarez Foster, Eugene Siller Morton, Robert Sterling Ridgely, Francine Geber Buckley: Geographic Variation in the Fiery-Throated Hummingbird, Panterpe insignis in Neotropical Ornithology . In: Ornithological Monographs No. 36 . No. 36 , 1985, pp. 22-30 , doi : 10.2307 / 40168275 .
  • Robert Winthrop Storer, Thomas Getty in Paul Anthony Buckley, Mercedes Suarez Foster, Eugene Siller Morton, Robert Sterling Ridgely, Francine Geber Buckley: Geographic Variation in the Least Grebe (Tachybaptus dominicus) in Neotropical Ornithology . In: Ornithological Monographs No. 36 . No. 36 , 1985, pp. 17-20 , doi : 10.2307 / 40168276 .
  • François Vuilleumier: Five great Neotropical Ornithologists: An appreciation of Eugene Eisenmann, Maria Koepcke , Claës Christian Olrog , Rodulfo Philippi , and Helmut Sick . In: Ornitologia Neotropical . tape 16 , no. 2 , 1983, p. 97–111 (English, [PDF; 1.6 MB ]).
  • John Seddon Weske in Paul Anthony Buckley, Mercedes Suarez Foster, Eugene Siller Morton, Robert Sterling Ridgely, Francine Geber Buckley: A New Subspecies of Collared Inca Hummingbird (Coeligena torquata) from Peru in Neotropical Ornithology . In: Ornithological Monographs No. 36 . No. 36 , 1985, pp. 40-45 , doi : 10.2307 / 40168277 .
  • Alexander Wetmore: Further Additions to the Birds of Panamá and Colombia . In: Smithsonian miscellaneous collections . tape 122 , no. 8 , 1953, pp. 1-12 ( ).

Individual evidence

  1. Keir Brooks Sterling et al. a. (1997), p. 246.
  2. ^ A b Thomas Raymond Howell (1983), p. 1.
  3. a b c d e f John Lewis Bullr u. a., p. 188.
  4. a b John Lewis Bull u. a., p. 189.
  5. ^ Eugene Eisenmann (1962) and a. No. 2117, p. 3.
  6. a b John Lewis Bull u. a., p. 190.
  7. American Ornithologists' Union, p. 8.
  8. ^ Theodore Albert Parker III a. a., p. 9.
  9. ^ Francisco S. Delgado Botello, p. 17.
  10. ^ John Seddon Weske, p. 41.
  11. ^ Frank Gary Stiles, p. 24.
  12. ^ William Henry Phelps, Jr. et al. a., p. 17.
  13. Alexander Wetmore, p. 9.
  14. Robert Winthrop Storer et al. a., p. 38.