Eugenio Donadoni

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Eugenio Donadoni (born November 16, 1870 in Adrara San Martino , † June 15, 1924 in Milan ) was an Italian writer, Romanist and Italianist.

life and work

Donadoni, who came from cramped conditions, attended high schools in Turin and Milan under difficult conditions. He had to stop studying in Rome for lack of money and live from teaching. His career took him to Castrogiovanni (1893–1895), Mazara del Vallo (1896–97), Cefalù (1898), Lucca (1899), Ventimiglia (1900), Palermo (1901–1909, where he worked with Giovanni Alfredo Cesareo with a Work on Gian Giorgio Trissino ), Naples (1909–1912) and Milan (1913–1915), from where in 1913 an application for the Chair of Italian Literature at the University of Bologna was unsuccessful.

In 1916 he was appointed to the University of Messina and taught there until 1922. From 1922 until his untimely death he held the chair for Italian literature at the University of Pisa .

Eugenio Donadoni was the father of the Egyptologist Sergio Donadoni (1914-2015).


  • Ugo Foscolo . Pensators. Critico. Poeta , Palermo 1901, 1927, ed. by Riccardo Scrivano, 1964
  • Discorsi letterari , Palermo 1905
  • (Ed. And translator) Johann Peter Eckermann , Colloqui col Goethe negli ultimi anni della sua vita , 2 vols., Bari 1912–1914
  • Antonio Fogazzaro , Naples 1913, Bari 1939
  • I principali scrittori italiani dal 1400 al 1550 (età umanistica) , Milan 1916
  • I principali scrittori italiani dal 1550 al 1700 , Milan 1916
  • Gaspara Stampa . Vita e opere , Messina 1919
  • Scritti e discorsi letterari , Florence 1921
  • Torquato Tasso , 2 vols., Florence 1921, 1928, 1936, 1946, 1952
  • Breve storia della letteratura italiana , Milan 1923 (numerous editions; English: A history of Italian literature , New York 1969)
  • Studi danteschi e manzoniani , ed. by Walter Binni , Florence 1963


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