Euclidean relation

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The following applies to a right Euclidean relation : provided that a has the same relationship to b and a to c (solid arrows), then also b to c (dashed arrow)

A Euclidean relation is a binary relation in mathematics , for which Euclid's axiom "What is the same is also the same" applies.


A binary relation R on an amount X is called Euclidean (or right-Euclidean ) when for any items a , b , c in X , the following condition is satisfied: is a to b , and a to c , as it is in the same relationship also b to c in this regard. This can also be expressed in terms of predicate logic with .

A relation R on X is called left-Euclidean if for any a , b , c in X : if both b and c are related to a , then b is also related to c , formally .


The following applies to transitivity : provided that a is related to b and b to c , then also a to c
  • The property of being Euclidean is different from transitivity . For example, the relation on the natural numbers is transitive, but not right-Euclidean, while the relation defined by on the natural numbers is not transitive, but right-Euclidean.
  • For a symmetrical relation the properties transitivity, right and left Euclidean coincide. But a non-symmetric relation can also be transitive as well as right-Euclidean, e.g. B. xRy defined by y = 0.
  • A relation that is both right-Euclidean and reflexive is necessarily also symmetrical and therefore an equivalence relation . Likewise, every left-Euclidean and reflexive relation is necessarily an equivalence.
  • The image area of a right Euclidean relation is always a subset of its original image area . The restriction of a right-Euclidean relation to its image area is always reflexive and therefore an equivalence relation. Likewise, the archetype of a left-Euclidean relation is always a subset of its image domain, and the restriction of a left-Euclidean relation to its archetype is an equivalence.
  • A relation R is left and right Euclidean if and only if its archetype and its image area coincide and R is an equivalence relation on this set.
  • A right-Euclidean relation is always quasitransitive , as is a left-Euclidean relation.
  • A connex right Euclidean relation is always also transitive, as is a connex left Euclidean relation.
  • When X has at least 3 elements connected forms a right-Euclidean relation can R on X is not antisymmetric be, the same applies to a left-connected forms Euclidean relation on X . On the two-element set X = {0, 1} z. B. the relation defined by connex, right-Euclidean and antisymmetric; is connected, left-Euclidean and antisymmetric on this set.

References and comments

  1. The book I of the elements of Euclid contains an axiomatic foundation in which this principle is listed as the 1st axiom of general rules of equality ( "Τὰ τῷ αὐτῷ ἴσα καὶ ἀλλήλοις ἐστὶν ἴσα" ); see W.-D. Geyer: Euclid: The elements - an overview. Lecture on ancient mathematics, SS 2001, p. 3 (PDF; 275 kB).
  2. ^ A b Ronald Fagin: Reasoning About Knowledge . MIT Press, 2003, ISBN 978-0-262-56200-3 , pp. 60 (English, limited preview in Google Book Search).
  3. Since z. B. 0 2 and 0 gilt 1, but not 2 1.
  4. Since z. B. 2 R 1 and 1 R 0 applies, but not 2 R 0.
  5. Because from xRy and xRx follows yRx .
  6. Equality of archetype and image area is not necessary: ​​the relation xRy defined by y = min { x , 2} is right-Euclidean on the natural numbers and its image area {0,1,2} is a real subset of its archetype area .
  7. If y lies in the image area of R , then xRyxRy for a suitable x implies that yRy . This also shows that y lies in the archetype of R.
  8. The " " direction follows from the previous paragraph. - For the " " direction, assume that aRb and aRc hold, then a , b , c lie in the archetype and in the image area of R ; thus bRc follows because of symmetry and transitivity. The left Euclidean property of R follows analogously.
  9. If xRy ∧ ¬ yRxyRz ∧ ¬ zRy holds, are both y and z in the image region of R . Since R is an equivalence on this set, it follows from yRz already the contradiction zRy .
  10. a b c with an analogous argument, the location of x and y in the range of archetype R used.
  11. If xRyyRz holds, then are y and z in the image region of R . Since R is connected, xRz or zRx or x = z applies .
  12. Since R is connected, there are at least two different elements x and y in its image area , for which xRyyRx applies . It even holds that xRyyRx . This contradicts the antisymmetry.