Euryalus (son of Mekisteus)

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Euryalos ( Greek  Εὐρύαλος ) was in Greek mythology the son of Mekisteus , a nobleman from Argos . He took part in the Argonaut train . He also took part in the victorious campaign of the Epigones against Thebes . He also acted with Diomedes as guardian of the Argive heir to the throne Kyanippus , the son or grandson of King Adrastus . As one of the commanders of the Argiver contingent, Euryalus went to the Trojan War together with Diomedes and Sthenelos . Epeios , described by some sources as the builder of the Trojan Horse , defeated Euryalus in a fist fight at the organization of funeral games for Patroclus . According to the author of Posthomerica , Quintus de Smyrna , Euryalus was also one of the Greeks who got on the Trojan horse.

Euryalus was depicted next to Diomedes in a group of statues of the Epigones, consecrated by the Argives in Delphi . On the iliupersis by the painter Polygnot located in Delphi , Euryalus was depicted as a fighting hero with a head wound.



  1. ^ Libraries of Apollodorus 1, 9, 16, 9.
  2. Apollodorus 3, 7, 2, 3; Pausanias 2, 20, 5.
  3. Homer , Iliad 2, 566; 6, 20-28; Apollodorus 1, 9, 13, 2, Pausanias 2, 30, 10; Dictys Cretensis 1, 14; Tzetzes , Homerica 114.
  4. Homer, Iliad 23: 677-699.
  5. ^ Quintus of Smyrna 4: 472-494.
  6. ^ Pausanias 10:10 , 4.
  7. ^ Pausanias 10:25 , 6.