Eurydema ventralis

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Eurydema ventralis
Eurydema ventralis

Eurydema ventralis

Family : Stink bugs (Pentatomidae)
Subfamily : Pentatominae
Tribe : Strachiini
Genre : Eurydema
Subgenus : Rubrodorsalium
Type : Eurydema ventralis
Scientific name
Eurydema ventralis
Kolenati , 1846

Eurydema (Rubrodorsalium) ventralis is a Wanzenart from the family of stink bugs (Pentatomidae).


The bugs reach a body length of 9 to 12 millimeters. The basic color of the bugs is red, orange-yellow or cream-colored. They are patterned black, with the head bordered in red. The antennae are black. The bugs look very similar to Eurydema ornata . A distinguishing feature are the black spots on the connexive (part of the abdomen that is visible on the side), which extend from the outer edge of the paratergite to the mediotergite.


Eurydema ventralis is a Palearctic species. In Europe, it occurs mainly in the Mediterranean area. In the east their distribution area extends to India .

Way of life

Eurydema ventralis is a polyphagous type of bug. They are frequently found in parsley family (Apiaceae) as Pimpinella ( Pimpinella ), composite flowers as carduus ( Carduus ) and sunflower ( Helianthus annuus ) and cruciferous vegetables such as stone herbs ( Alyssum ), horseradish ( Armoracia rusticana ), rapeseed ( Brassica napus ), cabbage ( Brassica oleracea ), turnips ( Brassica rapa ), the common shepherd's purse ( Capsella bursa-pastoris ), meadow foam herb ( Cardamine pratensis ) and cress ( Lepidium draba ).


The following synonyms are known from the literature :

  • Eurydema ventral Kolenati , 1846
  • Rubrodorsalium ventralis Kolenati , 1846

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Frieder Sauer: Bugs and Cicadas , Fauna-Verlag, Karlsfeld 1996, ISBN 3-923010-12-5
  2. a b c d David A. Rider: Eurydema Laporte, 1833 . North Dakota State University, Fargo. Retrieved January 19, 2017.
  3. Eurydema (Rubrodorsalium) ventralis Kolenati 1846 in Fauna Europaea
  4. Eurydema (Eurydema) gebleri . Retrieved January 19, 2017.
  5. ^ Fungi or Plant Host Records List by Host Species . North Dakota State University, Fargo. Retrieved January 19, 2017.
  6. Eurydema ventralis Kolenati, 1846 . Retrieved January 19, 2017.

Web links

Commons : Eurydema ventralis  - collection of images, videos and audio files