Eva Lazar

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Eva Lazar (* 1914 in Dej ; † 1944 or 1945 in Auschwitz concentration camp ) was a Transylvanian- Jewish modern painter .


She was born in 1914 in Dej, then still part of Hungary, as the daughter of the lawyer Dr. Janos Lazar was born. Eva Lazar learned the craft at the art school of the painter Sándor Szapos and then deepened it during stays in the Baia Mare artists' colony .

As a Jew in the Kingdom of Romania , she was declared stateless in 1941 and forcibly transferred to a ghetto not far from Dej in 1944 , where she was able to continue painting. The authorities then deported Eva Lazar to the Auschwitz concentration camp . Eva Lazar put an end to her own life by jumping into the electric fence of the extermination camp.


In her work, influences of Cubism and Expressionism are noticeable. It mainly represented Jewish life.


  • Adrian M. Darmon: Autour de l'art juif: encyclopédie des peintres, photographes et sculpteurs. (All about Jewish art: Lexicon of painters, photographers and sculptors.) . Carnot, 2003, ISBN 2-84855-011-2 , p. 77 ( limited preview in Google book search).
  • Maria Zintz : Artiștii plastici din nordul Transilvaniei victime ale holocaustului . Editura Arca , 2007, ISBN 978-973-1881-00-3 , p. 311.
  • Zoltán Singer: Volt egyszer egy Dés ... (It was once a Dej ...) , Dés és Vidékéről Elszámazottak Landsmannschaftja

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.oocities.org/rsorban/sa_ierti.htm accessed on August 31, 2011.