Eva Nansen

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Eva Nansen, 1897
Fridtjof and Eva Nansen on skis, 1889

Eva Helene Nansen (born December 17, 1858 in Christiania ; died December 9, 1907 in Lysaker ) was a Norwegian singer ( mezzo-soprano ).

Live and act

Eva Nansen was born Eva Helene Sars as the youngest child of Michael Sars and Maren Sars. She was the sister of the natural scientists Ernst Sars and Georg Ossian Sars and the singer Mally Lammers . On September 6, 1889, she married the scientist Fridtjof Nansen , whom she had previously met while skiing. The Sars Nansen couple had five children.

Eva Nansen studied singing for five years with her sister Mally and her brother-in-law, the baritone singer and composer Thorvald Lammers . She made her debut as an opera singer in 1881 in the Musikforeningen, a forerunner of the Oslo Philharmonic. In 1886 and 1887 she studied with Désirée Artôt in Berlin. On October 8, 1887, she sang the aria Elsas Traum from the opera Lohengrin by Richard Wagner . She performed at numerous national and international concerts between 1880 and 1900. Their last public concert took place in late 1899.

Eva Nansen was a competent skier. She and Cecilie Thoresen Krog drew attention at the Husebyrennet ski jumping event when they were the only girls to ski there. She later had a major influence on ensuring that women were given the right to participate in winter sports on an equal footing with men.

She died of pneumonia at the age of 49.

Fridtjof Nansen named the Eva-Liv island he discovered in the Franz-Josef-Land archipelago after Eva Nansen and their daughter Liv.


Web links

Commons : Eva Nansen  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Cecilie Thoresen Krog in the Norsk biografisk leksikon (accessed October 8, 2018)
  2. Eva-Liv-Insel on the website www.franz-josef-land.info , accessed on February 25, 2019