Evangelical Lutheran General Consistory

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The Evangelical Lutheran General Consistory was the supreme institution for the Evangelical Lutheran Christians in the Russian Empire . It was established by the law for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Russia of December 28, 1832 as a supervisory authority with its seat in Saint Petersburg .


  • Russian.
  • German: General Consistory, General Consistory, Reich General Consistory


Around 1903 the Rigas Reformed Congregation asked the General Consistory to allow the Reformed clerical member of the Livonian consistory, Alfred Geist , to attend its meetings. The request was forwarded to the Ministry of the Interior. Only in February 1906 was the corresponding permission given, so that at the beginning of March 1906 Geist was able to take part in such a meeting for the first time.

Consistorial districts

At first there were six consistories in the Baltic provinces in addition to the Moscow and Petersburg consistory. The number of the latter was later reduced to three consistories.

In 1914 the following consistorial districts existed:

  1. St. Petersburg Consistorial District
  2. Moscow Consistorial District
  3. Courland Consistorial District
  4. Livonian consistorial district
  5. Estonian Consistorial District
  6. Warsaw Consistorial District

The Evangelical Lutheran colonial congregations in Grusia existed outside of these districts.


There was the office of a secular president, a spiritual vice-president, two secular and two spiritual members. President and Vice President were appointed by the Kaiser. The secular members were presented by the knighthoods and city magistrates, the clerical by the consistories.

In 1914 the central staff was made up as follows:

Job occupation
president Baron Uexküll von Gyldenband, Julius, State Secretary, Act. Privy councilor
Vice President Bishop Konrad Raimund Freifeldt (1847-1923)
Secular members 1) Baron Mirbach, Robert, Real Council of State 2) von Reutern, Gerhard, Real Council of State
Spiritual members 1) Kentmann, Wilhelm, Ober-Konsistorialrat, Pastor at St. Petri in St. Petersburg 2) Vacant
Procureur von Heptner, Julius, Real Council of State
secretary Versmann, Emil, councilor
Secretary's assistant Vacant.
controller Behr, Nikolai, Real State Councilor
Inspector assistant Spohr, Eugen, Councilor
Executor, cashier and archivist Heinlz, Alfred, Councilor of State
Translator Alphtan, Alexei, Act. State Council


Vice President

Secular members

  • 1833–1840 Campenhausen, Christoph Frh. V. (1780-1841)
  • around 1914 Baron Robert Mirbach
  • around 1914 Gerhard von Reutern

Spiritual members


Individual evidence

  1. https://www.balt-hiko.de/online-publikationen/baltisches-rechtsw%C3%B6rterbuch/g/
  2. Petersburg. A session of the Reformed Department of the General Consistory in the Düna-Zeitung , No. 40, February 17, 1906, online at Geist | issueType: P
  3. ^ Baltic Historical Commission (ed.): Entry on Carl Christoph von Lieven. In: BBLD - Baltic Biographical Lexicon digital
  4. ^ Baltic Historical Commission (Ed.): Entry on Julius Uexküll von Gyldenband. In: BBLD - Baltic Biographical Lexicon digital
  5. ^ Baltic Historical Commission (ed.): Entry on Konrad Raimund Freifeldt. In: BBLD - Baltic Biographical Lexicon digital
  6. ^ Baltic Historical Commission (ed.): Entry to Campenhausen, Christoph Frh. (1780-1841). In: BBLD - Baltic Biographical Lexicon digital
  7. ^ Baltic Historical Commission (ed.): Entry on Gerhard von Reutern. In: BBLD - Baltic Biographical Lexicon digital
  8. ^ Baltic Historical Commission (ed.): Entry on v. Reason. In: BBLD - Baltic Biographical Lexicon digital
  9. ^ Baltic Historical Commission (ed.): Entry on Ripke. In: BBLD - Baltic Biographical Lexicon digital
  10. ^ Baltic Historical Commission (ed.): Entry on Otto Panck. In: BBLD - Baltic Biographical Lexicon digital
  11. ^ Baltic Historical Commission (Ed.): Entry on Wilhelm Kentmann. In: BBLD - Baltic Biographical Lexicon digital