Eve (film)

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Original title Eve
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 2008
length 17 minutes
Age rating FSK k. A.
Director Natalie Portman
script Natalie Portman
production Annette Savitch
music Sufjan Stevens
camera Adam Kimmel
cut Tricia Cooke

Eve is an American short film by director Natalie Portman from the year 2008 with Lauren Bacall in the lead role.


The film begins with the grandmother played by Lauren Bacall applying makeup. Then the doorbell rings and her granddaughter Kate is at the door. Kate is completely surprised when her grandmother tells her a little later that she has a date because she expected to talk to her about her mother that evening. But instead, her grandmother suggests that she accompany her and Joe. When the doorbell rings again and Joe is in front of the door, her grandmother has not finished, so Kate opens the door. As Kate learns in the subsequent small talk, Joe lives in assisted living and has five "assigned" sons. Meanwhile the grandmother is finished and greets Joe warmly and sends Kate upstairs so that she can get ready for dinner. The three of them visit a posh restaurant where Joe and grandmother spend a cheerful evening, while Kate looks rather unhappy. When the slightly drunk Joe wants to drive them home, but rams into other cars while pulling out of a parking space, Kate finally drives them home. The grandmother offers Joe to sleep on the couch because it is late and he is drunk. When he refuses, she even offers him to sleep in her bed, which the latter refuses as well. Nevertheless, the two kiss and the grandmother thanks Joe for the "magical evening". At home, Kate knocks on grandmother's bedroom door and asks her to talk to her about her mother, but grandmother replies that they will do so tomorrow. The film closes with the scene in which you see grandmother removing make-up and looking at herself in the mirror.


Filmed in the Firebird Restaurant in New York City, the film marks Natalie Portman's directorial debut and was also produced by her own production company, Handsomecharlie Films . The film premiered at the 2008 Venice International Film Festival on September 1, 2008. The film opened the short film section of the festival known as "corto-cortissimo" (German: "Kurz und kurzest") and was shown alongside 23 other films.



Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Lyman, Eric J .: Venice festival all about 'Eve' on Monday . In: The Hollywood Reporter , September 1, 2008. Archived from the original on September 6, 2008. Retrieved on September 3, 2008. 
  2. ^ Natalie Portman's Directorial Debut . In: CBS News , September 2, 2008. Retrieved May 2, 2016.