Evergestis mimounalis

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Evergestis mimounalis
Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Butterflies (Lepidoptera)
Family : Crambidae
Subfamily : Glaphyriinae
Genre : Evergestis
Type : Evergestis mimounalis
Scientific name
Evergestis mimounalis
( Oberthür , 1922)

Evergestis mimounalis is a butterfly from the family of Crambiden ( Crambidae ).


The moths reach a wingspan of about 30 millimeters. The head and thorax are white with a dark brown mixture. The abdomen is paler. The labial palps are very short, the antennae are dark brown. The forewings have the contour typical of the genus Evergestis and have a whitish basic color, which is overlaid with a dark brown at the base, in the middle of the wing and on the outer edge of the wing. The subbasal line is barely recognizable and divided in the middle. The antemedian and post-median lines are noticeable. They run obliquely and almost parallel. The former is triple notched, with the notches facing the wing base. The latter has small, irregular black notches towards the base of the wing. In the subterminal area there is a series of blackish dots between the wires. The hemline is thin and colored brown. The fringed scales are light brown and piebald. The hind wings are whitish dark brown, the veins are clearly visible. The weak, regularly notched post-median line ends in a dark spot in the interior corner . There is a pale area between it and the darker edge of the wing. The outer edge of the wing shows a series of irregular dark spots between the veins. The fringed scales are pale ocher in color with a dark line near their base. The underside of the forewing is whitish and very dark. The edge of the wing is darker, the discal patch is large and irregular, the transverse lines are only faintly indicated. The drawing of the hind wing undersides is identical to that of the upper sides.

The subspecies E. m. Found in the mountains of the High Atlas in Morocco . distinctalis is characterized by a darker coloring. This subspecies was incorrectly depicted as Evergestis fulgura by Zerny in 1935 .

Similar species

E. mimounalis is similar in size and pattern to Evergestis frumentalis . The basic color is darker and less yellowish. In addition, the first-mentioned species differs through the almost parallel, strongly notched transverse lines on the upper sides of the forewings. On the underside of the wing, E. mimounalis is more evenly colored and has a less whitish and gray pattern.


Evergestis mimounalis occurs in Morocco in the Middle Atlas and in the High Atlas .


The pre-imaginal stages are unknown. Butterflies were caught from July to September.


The following synonyms are known from the literature :

  • Orobena mimounalis Oberthür , 1922
  • Evergestis mimounalis distinctalis Rungs , 1975

Evergestis mimounalis distinctalis Rungs was described as a replacement name for Evergestis fulgura sensu Zerny , 1935 nec Le Cerf 1933. Rungs considered distinctalis to be a subspecies of E. mimounalis that occurs at high altitudes. He later considered E. mimounalis as a subspecies of Evergestis hordealis Rungs (1979). The status of E. m. distinctalis is therefore unclear and needs to be checked.

supporting documents

  1. a b c d e f g Barry Goater, Matthias Nuss, Wolfgang Speidel: Pyraloidea I (Crambidae, Acentropinae, Evergestinae, Heliothelinae, Schoenobiinae, Scopariinae) . In: P. Huemer, O. Karsholt, L. Lyneborg (eds.): Microlepidoptera of Europe . 1st edition. tape 4 . Apollo Books, Stenstrup 2005, ISBN 87-88757-33-1 , pp. 80 (English).
  2. ^ Zerny, Hans (1935): New pyralids from the Sierra de Gredos in Castilien. Journal of the Austrian Association of Entomologists 20, p. 32 PDF
  3. Global Information System on Pyraloidea (GlobIZ). Retrieved May 8, 2013 .