Hans Zerny

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Hans Zerny (born June 11, 1887 in Vienna- Währing ; † September 14, 1945 in Vienna ) was an Austrian entomologist and lepidopterologist .


Zerny's father was an elementary school teacher and initially taught him himself before moving to public schools. In 1908 he passed his Matura . During his school days he was already collecting and preparing plants and animals and published his first note in the Leipzig Insect Exchange .

He studied ten semesters of natural sciences with a focus on zoology at the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Vienna . During this time he was at the zoological station in Trieste for the first time in 1909 , where he met Franz Maidl .

After completing his doctorate , Zerny took up a position at the kk Naturhistorisches Museum on April 20, 1912 , which was to remain his place of work until the end of his life. His main focus was on scientific collections of neuroptera, odonata and diptera, which he supervised scientifically and administratively. After the retirement of Hofrat Hans Rebel , he also took over his duties.

Writings and journal articles

  1. Autumn maturity Carabini - Insect Exchange, Leipzig 23 (1906).
  2. About parasitic Lepidoptera - Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. Wien 60 (1910).
  3. About myrmecophilic lepidoptera - Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. Wien 60 (1910).
  4. Contribution to the knowledge of the anatomical structure of Thynchobothrius Tetrabothrius v. Ben. - Work. Zool. Inst. Vienna 19/3 (1912).
  5. New heterocerses from the collection of the Imperial and Royal Court Museum in Vienna - D. Ent. Ztschr. Iris (1912).
  6. Development and composition of the lepidopteran fauna of Lower Austria • - Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. Wien 62 (1912).
  7. Addendum to the directory of Lepidoptera from Bad Ratzes in South Tyrol - Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. Wien 62 (1912).
  8. Butterfly caterpillars as guests of ants - Wochenschr. f. Popular education Urania 5/38 (1912).
  9. Lepidopterorum Catalogus, pars 8: Syntomidae - Berlin, Junk (1912).
  10. Interesting finds of lepidoptera in Lower Austria - Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. Wien 64 (1914).
  11. About the Palearctic pyralids of the Imperial and Royal Court Museum in Vienna - Ann. Naturhist. Hofmus. Vienna 28 (1914).
  12. Results of a zoological research trip to Algeria carried out by Prof. Franz Werner in the summer of 1910 with the support of the Wedl legacy. List of captured Lepidoptera - Stzb. Akad. Wiss. Vienna 123 / Dept. I (1914).
  13. Two new Palearctic noctuids - Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. Wien 65 (1915).
  14. New heterocerses from the collection of the Imperial and Royal Court Museum in Vienna, II. Fam. Noctuidae - Ann. Naturhist. Hofmus. 30 (1916).
  15. Diptera, in Ginzberger : Natural history of the Scoglien of South Dalmatia 15 - Denkschr. K. Akad. Wiss. Vienna 92 ​​(1916).
  16. Form circle of Lythria purpuraria L. - Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. Wien 66 (1916).
  17. The description of a new Palearctic pyralid - Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. Vienna. 66 (1916)
  18. Comments and corrections to Seitz, Large Butterflies of the Earth, Palearctic Fauna, Volumes II and III - Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. Wien 68 (1918).
  19. Contributions to the knowledge of the fauna of Dalmatia, especially the island of Brazza. III. Lepidoptera - Zool. Year Dept. Syst. 42 (1920).
  20. Contributions to the knowledge of the fauna of Dalmatia, especially the Inzel Brazza. IV. Diptera-Zool. Year Dept. Syst. 42 (1920).
  21. Two new species of lepidoptera from the Serra do Itatiaya in Brazil - no. Akad. Wiss. Vienna 1923/9 (1924).
  22. New microlepidoptera forms from Corsica - Ztschr. Austrian Ent. Ver. Vienna 11/3 (1926).
  23. The Lepidoptera Fauna of Algeciras and Gibraltar in Southern Andalusia - D. Ent. Ztschr. Iris (1927).
  24. The Lepidoptera Fauna of Albarracin in Aragon - Eos, Madrid 3 / 3—4 (1927).
  25. A new genus and species of Notuiden from Mongolia - Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. Vienna 78 (1928).
  26. New tropical heteroceroses from the Natural History Museum in Vienna - Ztschr. Austrian Ent. Ver. Vienna 13/9 (1928).
  27. Contributions to the knowledge of the syntomids - D. Ent. Ztschr. Iris 44 (1930).
  28. Results of a zoological collecting trip to Brazil, especially to the Amazon: area, carried out by Dr. H. Zerny. VII. Part: Lepidoptera III: The Syntomids of the State of Para - Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Vienna 45 (1931).
  29. Contributions to the knowledge of the syntomids, II. - D. Ent. Author Iris 45 (1931).
  30. Lepidopterorum Catalogus, editus from Embrik Strand, Pars 43, 46, 48. M. Gaede, Satyridae, Berlin (W. Junk) (1931) - Ztschr. Österr. Ent. Ver. Vienna 17/1 (1932).
  31. Reply to M. Gaede's reply to Dr. Zerny's criticism of my satyrid catalog as well as A. Seitz 'postscript to it - Ztschr. Austrian Ent. Ver. Vienna 17/2-3 (1932).
  32. New microlepidoptera from Spanish Morocco - Ztschr. Österr. Ent. Ver. Vienna 17 / 6-7 (1932).
  33. Lepidoptera from Northern Lebanon - D. Ent. Author Iris 46 (1932).
  34. Lepidoptera from northern Lebanon. With contributions from Dr. A. Corti (Zurich), F. Daniel (Munich), L. Schwingenschuß (Vienna), and DT. E. Wehrli (Basel) - D. Ent. Ztschr. Iris 47 (1933).
  35. Lepidoptera from northern Lebanon. With contributions from Dr. A. Corti (Zurich), E. Daniel (Munich), L. Schwingenschuß (Vienna) and Dr. E. Wehrli (Basel) - D. Ent. Ztschr. Iris 48 (1934).
  36. A new Zygaene from the Great Atlas - Ztschr. Österr. Ent. Ver. Vienna 19/4 (1934).
  37. New heterocerses from the Great Atlas in Morocco - Ztschr. Austrian Ent. Ver. Vienna 19/6 (1934).
  38. A new gall-dwelling phycitine from Sumatra (Lep. Pyralidae) - Miscellanea Zoologica Sumatrana 82 (1934).
  39. New pyralids from the Sierra de Gredos in Castile - Ztschr. Austrian Ent. Ver. Vienna 20/4 (1935).
  40. The lepidopteran fauna of the Great Atlas in Morocco and its peripheral areas. With contributions by L. Schwingenschuß - Mem. Soc. Scienc. nat. Maroc. 42 (1935).
  41. A new noctuide from the Balkan Peninsula - Ztschr. Österr. Ent. Ver. Vienna 20 / 10-11 (1935).
  42. The lepidoptera of the German Gran Chaco expedition 1925/26 taking into account the results of Prof. Hosseus' collection in the Sierra de Cordoba. IV. Syntomidae, Arctiidae and Dioptidae - Mitt. Munch. Ent. Ges. 27/1 (1937).
  43. Microlepidoptera from the Eiburs Mountains in Northern Iran - Ztschr. Austrian Ent. Ver. Vienna 24 (1939).
  44. Microlepidoptera from the Elburs Mountains in Northern Iran - Ztschr. Austrian Ent. Ver. Vienna 25 (1940).
  45. Hans Rebel f ​​- Ztschr. Wiener Ent. Ver. 25 (1940).
  46. About Galigopsis seleucida Hew. (Lep., Brassolinae) - Ztschr. Wiener Ent. Ver. 25 (1940).
  47. New acquisitions by the Vienna Natural History Museum - Ztschr. Wiener Ent. Ges. 28 (1943).
  48. A harvest of moths from Sicily. Part II: Microlepidoptera - Ztschr. ' Viennese Ent. Ges. 28 (1943).

H. Zerny and Max Beier

  1. Order of the pterygogenea: Lepidoptera = butterflies. In Küken thai, Handb. Zool., Berlin 4, 2nd half, Lief. 7 and 8 (1936).

Hans Rebel and H. Zerny.

  1. Scientific results, Franz Werner's zoological expedition to the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan (Kordofan), 1914: I. Lepidoptera - Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Vienna, m.-n. Kl. 93 (1916).
  2. New microlepidoptera from Spain - Ztschr. Österr. Ent. Ver. Vienna 12 / 11-12 (1927).
  3. New microlepidoptera from Spain (Andalusia) - Ztschr. Austrian Ent. Ver. Vienna 13/5 (1928).
  4. The Lepidoptera Fauna of Albania - No. Akad. Wiss. Vienna 68 (1931).
  5. The lepidopteran fauna of Albania (with consideration of the neighboring areas). Scientific results of the expedition sent to northern Albania in 1918 on behalf of and at the expense of the Academy of Sciences in Vienna - Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Vienna, m.-n. Kl. 103 (1931).

Memberships and honors

Hans Zerny was a member of numerous scientific societies and associations.


  • Bruno Pittioni: Curator Dr. Hans Zerny; in: Annals of the Natural History Museum in Vienna, Vol. 56, 1948, page 557ff ( online version ; PDF; 823 kB)


Web links

  • The scientific publications Dr. Zernys. In: Journal of the Vienna Entomological Society. Volume 30, 1945, pp. 52–53, PDF on ZOBODAT

Individual evidence

  1. The scientific publications of Dr. Zernys. In: Journal of the Vienna Entomological Society. Volume 30, 1945, pp. 52–53, PDF on ZOBODAT
  2. Archived copy ( Memento of the original from February 28, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.entomologische-literatur.de