Evolutionary path

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Long shot of the evolutionary path in Gauangelloch
Main part and end of the evolutionary path in Gauangelloch

Under evolutionary path , even evolution path called, refers to a distance in general, the starting point to the beginning of the evolution symbolizes; the end point of the path then symbolizes the appearance of Homo sapiens . The starting point can either symbolize the cosmic big bang 13.81 billion years ago, or one concentrates on the evolution of our earth and its biological evolution for better clarity. It starts with the formation of the earth about 4.6 billion years ago. There are also evolutionary paths that only represent parts of evolution, such as that of plants . One example is the "Evolution Walk" at the Wildfire Lab in Exeter. Usually there are virtual, GPS- based markings on an evolutionary path, such as the one in Vejen , Denmark , or material markings such as boards or even poster stands with posters on which the respective event is at intervals that correspond to the time intervals of striking events in evolution the evolution is explained. Examples are the "Gaia Evolution Walk" of the WindGrove Museum near Nubeena in Tasmania , as well as the evolutionary paths in Leimen and Plön. Some evolutionary paths do not have this distance relation to the course of time. In the case of evolutionary paths that are set up synchronously, the sequence of markings with the explanations becomes shorter and shorter in the course of an evolutionary path, since the occurrence of important changes in evolution is condensed towards the present.

Evolution path in Leimen-Gauangelloch

Inauguration of the evolution path in Gauangelloch; Introductory sign and first time poster as well as the guests of honor.

In Germany, the currently most complex and, in terms of construction, second evolutionary path with material markings is the one in Leimen , Gauangelloch district , approx. 12 km away from Heidelberg in the Rhein-Neckar district . The evolutionary path was created on the initiative of the secular humanists - gbs Rhein-Neckar eV, a regional group of the Giordano Bruno Foundation , and was established in cooperation with the city of Leimen. The inauguration took place on January 21, 2019. The path has 19 posters on cemented pavements and is approx. 1.1 km long, the spatial positions of the signs are proportional to the times shown on them. The time required to hike the path and convey the poster content is around 90 to 120 minutes. The 19 stations whose posters were designed by Bernd Kammermeier are:

  • First traces of life (4100 million years or 1000 meters before today)
  • First cyanobacteria (3500 million years or 854 meters before today)
  • Cells with a nucleus ( eukaryotes ) (1300 million years or 317 meters before today)
  • Supporting and protective skeletons (560 million years or 137 meters before today)
  • Landfall of the plants (450 million years or 110 meters before today)
  • Vertebrate jaw formation (420 million years or 102 meters before today)
  • Supporting skeleton of plants (350 million years or 85 meters before today)
  • Degradation of plant skeletons (290 million years or 71 meters before today)
  • Dinosaurs (235 million years or 57 meters ago)
  • Origin of mammals (200 million years or 49 meters before today)
  • Age of the Mammals (65 million years or 16 meters ago)
  • Human ( hominid ) (18 million years or 4 meters ago)
  • Humans ( hominins ) (7 million years or 1.6 meters ago)
  • Modern humans ( Homo sapiens ) (0.2 million years or 0.05 meters ago)

Evolution path in Plön

Shortly before the evolution path in Leimen-Gauangelloch, a 1.3 km long path of this type was inaugurated on September 14, 2018 in Plön in Schleswig-Holstein . The occasion was the 70th birthday of the Max Planck Society . The path was financed by the local Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology. The route consists of 11 stations; the graphics for it were created by Derek Caetano-Anolles, employee of the Max Planck Institute. The initiative was supported by the city of Plön and the mayor Lars Winter as well as by Ingo Eitelbach as a representative of the Giordano Bruno Foundation, who started the project "Evokids: Evolution in Primary School" at the end of 2015 with the Institute for Biology Didactics of the University of Giessen brought.

Evolution path in progress

On March 14, 2017, a P seminar in Lauf ad Pegnitz will set up the “Path of Evolution” with hands-on boards, on which interested parties have since been able to interactively deal with important issues. The 13.8 billion years from the beginning of the world to today are scaled to 276 m: Every 20 meters a sign counts the billions of years since the Big Bang and the ones up to the present day.


  1. https://wildfire-lab.com/engagement-outreach/evolution-walk/
  2. https://www.visitvejen.de/de/der-evolutionsweg-gdk1085717
  3. http://windgrove.org/portfolio/gaia-walk/
  4. http://evolutionsweg.de/
  5. http://gbs-rhein-neckar.de/
  6. https://www.heidelberg24.de/region/leimen-evolutionsweg-eroeffnet-spuren-menschheit-11393135.html
  7. https://www.shz.de/lokales/ostholsteiner-anzeiger/ploen-bekommen-evolutionspfad-id20701177.html
  8. https://www.evolbio.mpg.de/evolutionspfad
  9. https://evokids.de/content/ursprung-des-lebens-bis-zur-entwicklung-des-menschen
  10. http://www.physik.de.rs/schule/evolution