Ewa Bieńkowska

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Ewa Bieńkowska (2009)

Ewa Bieńkowska (born September 13, 1943 in Warsaw ) is a Polish essayist , literary historian , prose writer and translator . She is the daughter of the publicist and politician Władysław Bieńkowski .


Bieńkowska attended high school in Warsaw from 1957 to 1961. After graduating from high school, she studied Romance languages at the University of Warsaw , where she obtained her master's degree in 1966 . She then took up doctoral studies and received her doctorate in 1970 with the thesis Poezja i tradycja w "Tygodnikach" Guillaume'a de Salluste du Bartas . In the following years she published essays, reviews and translations. In 1975 she was employed as a research assistant at the Catholic University of Lublin , where she gave lectures on French literature and cultural theory until 1981. She completed her habilitation with the thesis W poszukiwaniu królestwa człowieka. Niemiecka utopia sztuki od Kanta do Tomasza Manna at the Polish Academy of Sciences . She then worked at the University of Avignon from 1982 to 1987 . From 1999 until her retirement in 2013 she was a professor at the Institute for Polish Philology at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw.

She lives in Versailles .


  • Dwie twarze losu: Nietzsche - Norwid , 1975
  • W poszukiwaniu królestwa człowieka. Utopia sztuki od Kanta do Tomasza Manna , 1981
  • Dane odebrane , 1985
  • Co mówią kamienie Wenecji , 1999
  • Spór o dziedzictwo europejskie , 1999
  • Pisarz i go. O twórczości Gustawa Herlinga-Grudzińsiego , 2002
  • W ogrodzie siemskim. Książka o Miłoszu , 2004
  • Michał Anioł - nieszczęsliwy rzymianin , 2009
  • Spacery po Rzymie , 2010
  • Dom na Rozdrożu , 2012
  • History florenckie. Sztuka i polityka , 2015



Web links

  • Maria Kotowska tile: Ewa Bieńkowska. In: Polscy pisarze i badacze literatury przełomu XX i XXI wieku. Retrieved October 13, 2018 (Polish).