Ewald Bose

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Richard Ewald Bose (born July 10, 1880 in Waldheim i. Sa. , † 1943 ) was a German administrative lawyer .


Bose was the son of the farm owner Heinrich Bose from Massanei near Waldheim in the Kingdom of Saxony . His mother was Thekla Sidonie nee Lange. After attending grammar school in Döbeln , Bose studied law and history at the universities of Berlin and Leipzig. After successful clerkship he received his doctorate in 1907, Dr. jur. The topic of his dissertation was The position of the limited partner for representation and management of the limited partnership . Subsequently, Bose worked as a court assessor in the Saxon civil service until 1910. He then moved to local government and settled in Radeberg , where he was elected First Mayor after the death of Otto Bauer . His appointment to the Reich Ministry of Food in Berlin took place in 1919. There he was appointed Ministerialrat in 1920. As a secret councilor he was a consultant for dairy farming. In June 1930 he was promoted to ministerial director. During the National Socialist era , in January 1935 he was promoted to Ministerial Director in the Reich and Prussian Ministry of Food and Agriculture.


Ewald Bose married Friederike Louise Bose nee Brenthel from Döbeln in 1911. Their marriage resulted in two children.

Fonts (selection)

  • The position of the limited partner in representation and management of the limited partnership , 1907.
  • Measures to promote milk consumption. Lecture given at the dairy farming conference organized by the German Association of Cities in Mannheim on 23/24. April 1926 . [Berlin] 1926.
  • The draft Reich Milk Law . Süddeutsche Molkerei-Zeitung, Kempten im Allgäu 1930.
  • (with R. Nelson): The implementing provisions for the milk law . Süddeutsche Molkerei-Zeitung, Kempten im Allgäu 1930.
  • (with R. Nelson): The milk legislation of the German Empire. The Milk Act of July 31, 1931 and the ordinances on the entry into force and implementation of the Milk Act. The official justification and decree . Economics Verlag Kurz, Kempten 1931.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. When the old school became the town hall . In: Sächsische Zeitung , Radeber edition of August 22, 2013, p. 4.