Ewald Heinrich Erdmann Bogislaff from Kleist-Wendisch Tychow

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Ewald Heinrich Erdmann Bogislaff von Kleist-Wendisch Tychow , Ewald Graf von Kleist for short (born March 23, 1821 Wendisch-Tychow ; † January 14, 1892 in Frankfurt am Main ) was chamberlain at the Prussian royal court , later vice-chief master of ceremonies, he belonged with his Wife to the inner circle of Empress Augusta - the bonbonniere.


Count von Kleist, son of Heinrich Eduard Erdmann von Kleist and Ottilie born. von Kleist, attended the Brandenburg Knight Academy . In 1839 he became a portepee ensign in the 1st Guard Uhlan Landwehr Regiment. In 1850 he was granted the requested farewell as Premier-Lieutenant . According to his father's testamentary determination, he took over the Allodial knightly estates Dubbertech and Priddargen . At the same time he was heir to Wendisch Tychow . For many years he was president of the Pomeranian Mortgage-Aktien-Bank in Köslin . In May 1857 he was made chamberlain . He later became the Prussian vice- head cupbearer . In 1869 he was raised to the rank of count.

In 1850 he married Anna Auguste Leopoldine von Kleist (born July 16, 1826 in Dessau), daughter of the district administrator of the Schweinitz district and hereditary lord of Kollochau (Saxony) Gustav Freiherrn von Kleist and Antonie, née. from Uebel . In 1878 he sold the Dubbertech and Pridargen estates and bought Lahneck Castle near Oberlahnstein for his wife . She died a few months after him in Lahneck Castle in 1892. After that the castle was sold.

His firstborn son, Dr. jur. Count Friedrich Wilhelm von Kleist became a German diplomat. Hans , as the second son of a primogeniturgist , did not inherit his title or his father's family estate, became a Prussian major general and, as an expert on horses, had a great influence on the training of today's Hanoverians .

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Gustav Kratz : History of the von Kleist sex , Berlin 1862, Volume III, p. 21.