Ezio Franceschini

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Ezio Franceschini (born July 25, 1906 in Villa Agnedo , † March 21, 1983 in Padua ) was an Italian Latinist ( Middle Latin philologist ).


Franceschini was born in Villa, now part of Villa Agnedo, as the second of four brothers. He began his visit to Ginnasio in Bergamo in 1916 and completed it with the maturità classica in Rovereto in 1924 . After studying classical philology at the University of Padua , he received his doctorate on November 12, 1928 after a disputation with Concetto Marchesi on his dissertation, which was entitled Liber philosophorum moralium antiquorum . From 1929 to 1930 he did his military service with the mountain troops and achieved the rank of captain. From 1931 to 1932 he was a volunteer assistant at the Chair of Medieval Latin Literature at the University of Padua. In 1934 he was able to acquire the libera docenza for Middle Latin literature and was then a lecturer for this subject in Padua until 1951. In the meantime he had met Agostino Gemelli and from 1936 accepted the same teaching position at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan . After the chair for medieval Latin was advertised, Franceschini was appointed full professor there in 1938.

Anti-fascist resistance

After the armistice of Cassibile on September 8, 1943, Franceschini supported the Resistancea italiana together with other professors of various ideological and political orientations . Among them was Concetto Marchesi , an important Latinist and rector of the University of Padua and an outstanding representative of the Partito Comunista Italiano . When he was abandoned by many party comrades who accused him of not giving up the rector's office after September 8, Franceschini helped Marchesi in February 1944 to emigrate to Switzerland.

In Padua he founded the group FRAMA (acronym based on the names Franceschini and Marchesi), which sacrificed itself primarily for the benefit of international prisoners of war. In Milan, at a university whose rector, Father Agostino Gemelli, was suspected of having close ties to fascism, Franceschini dared to hold the meetings of the Corpo volontari della libertà command in the Gemelli psychology laboratory. Because of these undoubted services as a partisan, he was a member of the clean-up commission that submitted the report to the American command that exonerated Gemelli.

After the Second World War

After the death of Francesco Vito , he was the third rector of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan from 1965 to 1968 and had to deal with the student revolution of the 1960s. The traditionalists opposed his approach, which aimed at a dialogue with the students. For health reasons, he was replaced as rector by Giuseppe Lazzati , who followed a more resolute line.

The Fondazione Ezio Franceschini

On December 13, 1987, the Fondazione Ezio Franceschini was founded in Florence, which includes his library and other estate as a gift from his sister Anna Maria.

Research priorities

Franceschini, partly with his friend Lorenzo Minio-Paluello , researched the traditions of the Latin Aristotle translations and devoted special studies to some translators ( Giacomo Veneto , Robert Grosseteste , Wilhelm von Moerbeke ).

Fonts (selection)

  • Liber philosophorum moralium antiquorum. Tesi di laurea, Padua 1932.
  • Roberto Grossatesta e le sue traduzioni latine. Venice 1933.
  • Aristotle nel medioevo latino. Padua 1934.
  • Studi e note di filologia latina medioevale. Milan 1938.
  • La leggenda minore di S. Caterina da Siena. Milan 1942.
  • Aristotle latinus, Codices. Volume I, Rome 1939 (in collaboration with G. Lacombe, A. Birkenmeier, M. Dulong)
  • Scritti di filologia latina medievale. 2 volumes, 1976.
  • Concetto Marchesi. Line per l'interpretazione di un uomo inquieto. Antenore, Padua 1978.
  • Uomini e fatti dell'università Cattolica. Padova 1984.
  • Nel segno di Francesco. A cura di F. Casolini - G. Giamba, Assisi 1988.
  • Uomini liberi. Scritti sulla Resistenza. A cura di F. Minuto Peri, Casale Monferrato 1993.
  • L'archivio di EF sulla Resistenza. Regesto dei documenti. A cura di F. Minuto Peri, Casale Monferrato 1993.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Claudio Leonardi : Franceschini, Ezio , in Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani , 49, 1997.