FA Beyes

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FA Beyes was a clock factory founded in the 19th century based in Hildesheim . The company specialized in large clocks such as tower clocks , court and factory clocks as well as clocks for the railroad .


The Hildesheim clock factory was founded in the time of the Kingdom of Hanover in 1863 and after just a few years it had won several awards for its clocks.

From 1868 "a tower clock" from FA Beyes and AB Dökel was permanently exhibited at the Hanover Trade Association in the premises of the Hanover Bank ;
Postcard no. 299 of F. Karl miracle to 1898

In the 1860s there is evidence of a collaboration between FA Beyes and the Hanoverian court clock dealer and tower clockmaker AB Dökel : Their jointly presented "Tower clock, 30 hour movement , with quarter and bell mechanism " had the trade association for Hanover from mid-1868 as news " in the permanent trade exhibition ”. At the time, the premises were on the 2nd floor of the Hannoversche Bank on Georgstraße at the corner of Schillerstraße, where the Karstadt house in Hannover was later built.

FA Beyes received second prize for their products, which were shown at the general trade exhibition of the Province of Hanover in 1878. At the end of 1879, the company advertised in the Deutsche Uhrmacher-Zeitung that its products had already been awarded "at 5 exhibitions".

The clockmaker and owner of the company of the same name, FA Beyes, was temporarily part of the business of Robert Heyer in Hamburg , which also manufactured tower clocks.

Well-known clockworks

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c German watchmaker newspaper. Organ of the Central Association of German Watchmakers , 3rd year, number 24 from December 15, 1879, publisher and expedition at R. Staeckel, Berlin, W. Markgrafen-Strasse 48, passim ; Digitized via Google books
  2. ^ Hannoversches Wochenblatt for trade and commerce . Organ of the trade association for Hanover and the Hanover Chamber of Commerce , year 1868, number 14 of June 20, 1868, Hanover: Hofbuchdruckerei der Gebr. Jänecke, 1869, column 115; Digitized via Google books
  3. Ludwig Meyer (ed.): Das Heim , in der .: 100 years of the trade association for Hanover 1834 - 1934 , Hanover: ed. and published by engineer Ludwig Meyer, 1934, 100–115; here: p. 100f.
  4. Zeitschrift für Instrumentenkunde , 1889, p. 371; Preview over google books
  5. Andreas Kannegießer: Nachrichten / Barsinghausen / 130-year-old tower clock in Eckerde finally strikes again , illustrated article on the website of the daily newspaper Neue Presse from December 27, 2019, last accessed on April 1, 2020
  6. Torsten Müller: Rendsburg / Tower clock on Gut Bossee / With the water tower came the time , article on the Kieler Nachrichten page from July 29, 2017, last accessed on April 1, 2020
  7. a b Lothar H. Bluhm: Winsen / Bannetze / 100 year old clockwork returns , article on the Cellesche Zeitung page from May 20, 2011, last accessed on April 1, 2020