University of Applied Sciences Rhineland-Palatinate

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Logo of the former Rhineland-Palatinate University of Applied Sciences

The Rhineland-Palatinate University of Applied Sciences was an institution of the State of Rhineland-Palatinate , in which the various university locations were combined to form a higher-level university of applied sciences .

The University of Applied Sciences Rhineland-Palatinate was founded in 1971 and had over 5000 students at the beginning. The technical colleges were seen as an opportunity to redirect the rush to the universities. The goal of 40% of first-year students starting at universities of applied sciences was not achieved. The decline in the number of new engineering students plays a role here. After all, Rhineland-Palatinate has a top position in the Federal Republic of Germany with a share of 34% university students.

On September 1, 1996, the unified Rhineland-Palatinate University of Applied Sciences was converted into seven independent universities of applied sciences. Meanwhile, the number of students had grown to over 21,000.

The Rhineland-Palatinate universities of applied sciences worked together in the "Central Office for Distance Learning at Universities of Applied Sciences", as well as in the establishment of a joint industrial engineering course at the Universities of Trier and Kaiserslautern. In 2000 the “ Virtual Campus Rhineland-Palatinate ” (VCRP) was founded, which aims to support universities in supplementing their range of courses with new media and to improve the universities' presence on the global education market.
