Pale umbilical red bloom

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Pale umbilical red bloom
2008-06-17 Entoloma pallens.jpg

Pallid umbilical rötling ( Entoloma pallens )

Subclass : Agaricomycetidae
Order : Mushroom-like (Agaricales)
Family : Red bloom relatives (Entolomataceae)
Genre : Red rot ( Entoloma )
Subgenus : Entoloma subg. Paraleptonia
Type : Pale umbilical red bloom
Scientific name
Entoloma pallens
( Maire ) Arnold's

The pale or pale umbilical red bloom ( Entoloma pallens , syn. Eccilia pallens, Paraleptonia pallens and Rhodophyllus pallens ) is a very rare species of mushroom from the red bloom relatives (Entolomataceae) family. Within the Rötlinge genus, it belongs to the Paraleptonia subgenus . The species can only be differentiated from the very similar Isabel-colored umbilicus ( Entoloma neglectum ) on the basis of microscopic features .


Macroscopic features

The hat measures between (0.8) 1.5 and 3 (3.3) cm in diameter. It is flat-convex in shape and has a small navel in the middle. Usually it has a bumpy, sometimes color-contrasting zone. The edge does not show any translucent grooves, is already bent downwards and has a pronounced notched and wavy structure. The surface is made of fine felt. The color spectrum ranges from pale ocher to cloudy cream with a slight flesh tone. According to the original diagnosis, the hat can also be whitish like stearin and completely white when dry. The lamellas run down the handle clearly, but only moderately. They can be distant or close together, mixed with 3 to 6  lamellets , turn out plump and sometimes fork. They have a whitish color when young, later pale pink and finally probably a strong gray-brown. The cylindrical stem, which is mostly slightly widened towards the bottom, but never tapered, can also be flattened with age and have a central furrow. It is (1.4) 1.8 to 2.2 cm long, 0.2 to 0.4 cm wide and is overfibred with fine silk. When not colored like the hat, it shows a white to pale ocher hue. The meat sometimes has a flour-like smell and taste.

Microscopic features

Mainly 4 iso- to heterodiametric spores mature on the basidia , which are 7.5 to 10.5 by 7 to 8.5 µm in size. The quotient of length and width is between 1.1 and 1.3, with an average of 1.2. The spores have 7 or more corners, often weakly pronounced, and therefore appear more or less knotty in outline. Cheilocystides are absent. Buckles can occasionally be seen at the base of young basidiae (basidioles) .

Species delimitation

The isabel-colored red navel ( Entoloma neglectum ) can hardly be distinguished from the pale navel red ( Entoloma pallens ) with the naked eye. The doppelganger has narrower spores, the ratio of length and width between 1.3 and 1.7 - on average 1.45 - is. In addition, there are plenty of buckles on the hyphae septa. The two closely related taxa may also prove conspecific in future studies.


The pale umbilical rötling fructifies from June to August. It grows on grassy areas in meadows influenced by natural and artificial fertilizers, as well as on green strips at roadsides. Evidence comes from a swamp with peat moss lawns and cranberries under birch trees. Due to the sparse finds, the location requirements are still largely unknown.


So far, the species has only been found in Germany, Spain and south-east Sweden. The fungus is considered to be very rare, which is why little is known about its distribution.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b René Maire: Fungi Catalaunici: Series altera. Contributions to the étude de la flore mycologique de la Catalogne . In: Publicacions del Instituto Botánico, Barcelona . tape 3 (4) , 1937, pp. 96–97 ( online at Madrid Botanical Gardens (Spain) ).
  2. ^ Eef Arnolds : Ecology and coenology of macrofungi in grasslands and moist heathlands in Drenthe, the Netherlands. Part I. Introduction and Synecology . In: Bibliotheca Mycologica . tape  90 , 1982.
  3. a b c d e Erhard Ludwig: Descriptions. The larger genera of the Agaricales with colored spore powder (except Cortinariaceae) . In: Mushroom Compendium . tape 2 . Fungicon, Berlin 2007, ISBN 978-3-940316-01-1 , p. 293-294 .
  4. Machiel Evert Noordeloos : Entoloma s. l. In: Fungi Europaei . tape  5 . Massimo Candusso, Saronno (Italy) 1992, p. 598-600 .

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