Entoloma subg. Paraleptonia

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Entoloma subg. Paraleptonia
Pallid umbilical rötling (Entoloma pallens)

Pallid umbilical rötling ( Entoloma pallens )

Class : Agaricomycetes
Subclass : Agaricomycetidae
Order : Mushroom-like (Agaricales)
Family : Red bloom relatives (Entolomataceae)
Genre : Red rot ( Entoloma )
Subgenus : Entoloma subg. Paraleptonia
Scientific name
Entoloma subg. Paraleptonia

Entoloma subg. Paraleptonia is a sub-genus of the genus of the red rot , which is divided into the two sections Paraleptonia and Sarcita . Because of the centrally recessed hats, the representatives of the group are also known as red navel .

The type species is the Isabel-colored umbilical rötling ( Entoloma neglectum ).


The fruiting bodies have a turnip , umbilical or lateral shape. The hat covering layer ( Pileipellis ) is a cutis of lying hyphae with transitions to a trichoderm. The up to 30 µm wide fungal threads ( hyphae ) have an intracellular pigment . There are usually buckles on the transverse walls ( septa ) of the hyphae .


Paraleptonia Section

The fruit bodies from the section of the same name have a white, light gray or yellowish color. The hat color remains unchanged when drying (not hygrophan ).

Sarcita section

The specimens from the Sarcita section are colored brown or brown-gray, the hat is sometimes hygrophan.

Individual evidence

  1. Machiel Evert Noordeloos : Entoloma sl (Supplement) . In: Fungi Europaei . 5A. Edizioni Candusso, Alassio 2004, ISBN 88-901057-4-7 .
  2. Erhard Ludwig: Descriptions. The larger genera of the Agaricales with colored spore powder (except Cortinariaceae) . In: Mushroom Compendium . tape 2 . Fungicon, Berlin 2007, ISBN 978-3-940316-01-1 , p. 293-294 .
  3. Machiel Evert Noordeloos : Entoloma sl Fungi Europaei, vol. 5. Massimo Candusso, Saronno (Italy). 1992.