Fanny of furs

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Fanny Pelzel von Pelzeln , pseudonym Henriette Franz (born December 6, 1826 in Vienna , † August 12, 1904 there ) was an Austrian writer .

Franziska Edle von Pelzeln was a daughter of the appellate judge Josef Edler von Pelzeln († 1832) and his wife Karoline (Lotte) Pichler (* 1797); she was the older sister of Marie von Pelzeln . On her father's side she was a granddaughter of the government councilor Josef Bernhard von Pelzel (1745–1804), and on her mother's side of Caroline Pichler .

Together with her sister Marie she was raised in her grandmother's house, in whose salon she met the writers Ernst von Feuchtersleben , Auguste von Littrow , Anton Pannasch and Johann Ladislaus Pyrker, among others . From 1862 she appeared with prose publications and, like her sister, became a widely read author , especially through her articles in the magazines “ Das Vaterland ”, “Kölner Volksbote” and in the “Austrian Yearbook” published by Joseph Alexander von Helfert .


  • The heir from the Weidenhof . Roman, Cologne 1884
  • From Karoline Pichler's last years . Story, Vienna 1899
